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猎人们正忙于设陷阱。The hunters were busy trapping.

方法采用夹日法、食饵法。Methods Night trapping and feeding method.

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方法捕蝇笼诱捕法。Methods Trapping the flies using fly-capturer.

他尝试过淘金,采珍珠和猎兽皮。He tried gold mining, pearling and fur trapping.

地铁也停运了,大量通勤者被困在地下。Subways were halted, trapping commuters underground.

第二天早晨,我就开始在谷仓附近下套子。The next morning I started trapping around the barn.

捕捉类型不匹配、预期之外的元素和属性Trapping mistyped and unexpected elements and attributes

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它适用于捕集细小、干燥、非纤维性粉尘。It is suitable for trapping small, dry, non-fibrous dust.

方法人帐诱法和网捕法。Methods Trapping with tent and person, capturing with net.

吉娜在给她的马穿上白色马衣。Gina is trapping her horse with a set of white horsecloths.

被朋友说是想不开,我还觉得我真算是想得开了。Friends said I am trapping myself, but I think I do my best.

一个超低温中子捕捉装置的剖面观。Half section view of an ultracold neutron trapping apparatus.

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物理防治利用黄板诱杀蚜虫,黑光灯诱杀蛾类。Physical control by yellow trap aphids, black light trapping moth.

集及型减压器对系统压力作出反应。Pressure trapping unloaders respond to the pressure in the system.

详细地分析了一种新型的可编程陷波技术。It analyses a technology named indirect programmable trapping wave.

第一个门缓缓地合上了,就像一道闭合的船闸。Behindher, the first gate closed, trapping them like a ship in a lock.

蜘蛛在各个角落织起了网,小昆虫不小心就落到它们的陷阱里。Spiders are strung through every corner, trapping the leather jackets.

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毛发可以通过困住空气,使潜水服获得更多浮力。By trapping air, hair could make diving suits more buoyant, Nasto says.

米奇双膝跪地,在球门线前方把冰球给截住了。Mikey dropped to her knees, trapping the puck in front of the goal line.

对预柱吸附法捕集鲜花头香的条件进行了讨论。The conditions of trapping of fragrance volatiles have also been discussed.