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他的绰号是“唠叨的人。His nickname is "chatterbox."

上学那会儿,我是个话痨。I was a chatterbox at school.

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她一打开话匣子就停不了。She is a chatterbox who never shuts up.

本周巨蟹会喋喋不休的唠叨。You will be a real chatterbox this week.

从前,这个可怜的女孩总是很唠叨。The wretched girl was always a chatterbox.

阿谁老头老是滔滔一直,说个不竭,烦死人。That old man is a chatterbox. What a nuisance!

他受不了话匣子,最多能忍耐五分钟。He couldn’t have lasted five minutes with a chatterbox.

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在默认设定下,NAB真是喋喋不休。In its default configuration, NAB is a real chatterbox.

与其唠唠叨叨,不如多倾听。Listening can be more valuable than being a chatterbox.

没有人喜欢一个爱唠叨的人整天对一些所做的小事胡言乱语。Nobody likes a chatterbox who babbles about every little thing they do.

眼前的这位出租车司机,我刚坐稳,话匣子便打开了。In front of the taxi drivers, I just firmly secured, chatterbox will be opened.

本人沟通,我支持船员通过长舌摩托车双向无线电系统。I communicate to my support crew via a ChatterBox motorcycle two-way radio system.

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帮助您的小朋友建立沟通技巧及社交能力。Chatterbox will help build children's expressive and social skills in a fun and easy way.

于是,你最不愿意一位话匣子在用永无止境的鸡毛蒜皮的谈话来占去你的时间。So, the last thing you need is the Chatterbox eating up your time with endless chit chat.

落日时分,在路易莎公主湾,船员们卡塔波克斯瀑布下的木头天棚底下搭起了篝火。At sunset in Princess Louisa, the crew built a bonfire in a wood pavilion onshore, at the foot of Chatterbox Falls.

接下来是28号一个喋喋不休的女人,她常常把房门开着,突然跳出来拦住你的去路,就当你要去哪儿的时候。Further down is the chatterbox in Apt 28 who always has her door open and jumps out and distracts you, just as you’re trying to get somewhere.

关注11月11日、13日、26日、29日来获得金钱方面的好消息,水星会和其他行星处于良好的相位,有助于你协商和谈判的时候思路清晰。Watch November 11, 13, 26, 27, and 29 for good financial news, for Mercury will be a virtual chatterbox with the other planets, meeting and greeting many on your behalf.

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三个女孩形影不离——齐维和布鲁玛金头发,长雀斑,娴雅镇定,她们的跟屁虫卡维素芮是个看起来不到五岁的话痨子。The three girls were inseparable—Kivi and Blomma, blonde and freckled, quiet and assured, and their tagalong, Chavisory, a chatterbox who looked no more than five years old.

我记得我在加拿大学习的时候,我们的教授经常像个话匣子似的不断的重申他对任何课程的写作作业和论文的零容忍态度。I remember when I was studying in Canada, our professor always acted like a chatterbox repeating zero tolerance for plagiarism in any writing assignments and academic papers in any course.