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他是如此难以置信的快!He's so unbelievably fast!

教授们也都难以置信的和蔼。The professors were unbelievably friendly.

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「生命复杂得令人无法相信,」马康姆说道。"That life is so unbelievably complex, " Malcolm said.

一场中国话的争吵爆发时,我们感到难以置信的尴尬。As an argument broke out in Chinese, we felt unbelievably awkward.

搜索业务是令人难以置信地有效,因为你看的是一个小小的查询方框。Search is unbelievably efficient because you look at a little query box.

如果他没这么做,那他就是个令人难以置信的自大狂,或者精神病患。If that doesn't happen, he's just unbelievably arrogant, or a psychopath.

难以置信的,就像你所期待第一个闪点行动的制作者所能带来的一样。Unbelievably , as you'd expect from the creators of the first Flashpoint.

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她的脚“嘣”的撞在了地上,但是奇怪的是她竟然一点伤也没有。She felt a bump at her feet but it unbelievably didn't hurt her feet at all.

我挡住和可以看见被欺负正在使他令人难以相信地角。I held off and could see that being teased was making him unbelievably horny.

斯维尔斯说他第一次看到吉格斯的时候,他腼腆得一塌糊涂,听到这里,吉格斯笑了。Swales says that when he first met Giggs he was unbelievably shy. Giggs laughs.

编一个谎言,关于你是多么的伟大,让自己听起来难以置信的优秀。Make up a lie about how great you are to make yourself sound unbelievably wonderful.

这条公路风景秀丽,令人叹为观止,曲折蜿蜒穿过世上数座高山峻岭。This unbelievably scenic road winds past some of the highest mountains in the world.

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“我能在年轻的时候就涉足这个领域,真是幸运得难以置信,”她说。“I feel unbelievably fortunate to have fallen into this field when I was young, ” she says.

我很久都没有看到一部电影拥有如此不可思议的积极的口碑。It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a movie with such unbelievably positive word of mouth.

那里的人很热情,但环境非常恶劣,在这种地方生活令人难以忍受。The people are warm, but the environment is so caustic and unbelievably disgusting to be in.

如果你最近生过病,你就会知道现在美国医疗护理费用有多么昂贵,简直是难以置信。If you’ve been sick lately, you know how unbelievably expensive medical care is today in the US.

古老的石桦是勘察加半岛上的主要树种,这些树具有不可思议的耐力。The stone birch is the main tree of the Kamchatka Peninsula. These trees are unbelievably enduring.

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在举行婚礼前,我与登记员的谈话糟糕得令人难以置信——我几乎一个字也说不出来。My chat with the registrar before the ceremony was unbelievably awful—I could barely get a word out.

剪刀很锋利,两边可以拆开来清洗或是磨刀口。They were unbelievably sharp and could be taken apart so they could be washed or the blades sharpened.

整个冬天当帝企鹅爸爸站立着孵化它的蛋时,不仅天气异常地寒冷,天也是黑的。Not only is it unbelievably cold while the emperor dad stands holding his egg all winter,it's also dark.