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一般内科,家庭医学科,心脏内科,胸腔内科。General Medicine, Family Medicine, Cardiology Internal, Chest Medicine.

存活心肌的研究是目前心脏病学的研究热点之一。Study on viable myocardium is one of the hot issues in modern cardiology.

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她在欧洲心脏病学协会介绍了这些发现。She presented the findings at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.

纽约医院预防心脏病项目的负责人,莫斯卡博士说。Lori Mosca, director of preventive cardiology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

此项研究成果以壁报的形式在欧洲心脏学会年会上展示。This report was presented as a poster at the European Society of Cardiology meeting.

该研究报告于新奥尔良召开的美国心脏病学会会议作出。The study was reported at the meeting of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans.

他在佛罗里达,奥兰多市举行的美国心脏病学院年会上展示了自己的研究成果。He presented the findings at the American College of Cardiology Conference in Orlando, Florida.

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中华医学会儿科学分会心血管学组。The Subspecialty Group of Cardiology Diseases, The Society of Pediatrics, Chinese Medical Association.

它能够满足虚拟心脏介入手术系统中对碰撞检测的实时性要求。It can address the collision detection problem in virtual Interventional Cardiology system in real time.

如何明确诊断心血管疾病是心脏科医师的关注焦点。How to diagnose this kind of diseases is the focus attracting more attention from physicians of cardiology.

来自两个研究的结果出现在4月14日亚特兰大美国心脏病学会议上。Results from two studies were presented at the American College of Cardiology meeting in Atlanta on March 14.

方法收集我院6年来发生的心内科护理纠纷55起。Methods Retrospectively analyze 55 dissension events occurring in the past 6 years in the department of cardiology.

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如果没有心脏外科医师,没有心脏学和外科手术的发展,人们可能就会死。A man who would have died otherwise if it was not for cardiac surgeons and the developments in cardiology and surgery.

主编心血管专著一部,在国内外专业杂志发表论文20余篇,其中SCI收录一篇。I am chief editor of a monograph on cardiology. i published more than 20 articles among which one was included in SCI.

我是中国人民解放军总医院临床医学和心脏病学教授及心脏科主任。I am a professor of Medicine and Cardiology and Director of the Cardiology Division of the Chinese PLA General Hospital.

对不同领域基础研究、流行病学和临床心脏病学近期的进展进行深入研讨。In-depth discussion of recent developments in the various fields of basic science, epidemiology and clinical cardiology.

传统的心脏病疗法严重依赖于高科技来减轻心脏病的症状,而忽略了它的病因。Traditional cardiology has relied on technology to ease the symptoms of heart disease, but has not addressed its causes.

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梁达智医生是注册心脏专科医生,现为健脉心脏中心的医务总监。Dr Leung is a registered Specialist in Cardiology and is currently working as the Medical Director at CardioMed Heart Centre.

对于一个实例,可能有一个LOINC提交的超声波心动图模板,美国心脏协会也有一个,DICOM也有一个。There may, for instance, be an echocardiography template submitted by LOINC, by the American College of Cardiology , and by DICOM.

在诸如心脏学和精神病学等医学领域,代写文章的现象已经非常普遍,因为药物在这些领域的治疗过程中起着重要的作用。Ghostwriting has become widespread in such areas of medicine as cardiology and psychiatry, where drugs play a major role in treatment.