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赋予了华亿崭新的内涵。Given the connotation of the new Asian.

第二章是基本内涵的界定。Chapter two definate the basic connotation.

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因此绣球花的花语就是-希望。Therefore, the connotation of Hydrangea was hope.

词的象征意义是其概念意义的延伸。Symbolic connotation is the extension of denotative meaning.

古蜀文化有自己独具特色的历史文化内涵。The ancient Shu has its own history and culture connotation.

一个单词的含义是由表面义和引申义组成的。A word's meaning is made up of both denotation and connotation.

告诫那些虚伪的人要在装有内涵。Admonish those hypocritical people should be in of connotation.

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李大钊图书馆学思想内容涵盖丰富。Li Dazhao's ideology of library science has a rich connotation.

从词源没有攻击性的内涵是重视的术语。Etymologically no offensive connotation is attached to the term.

第1章,税收收入计划管理的内涵。Chapter 1, Connotation of planned management of the tax revenues.

这样才能更好地把握李商隐“无题”诗的思想内涵。Only so can one grasp Li Shangyins connotation of thought better.

第一章为社会保障法律制度的基本涵义。Chapter One is the basic connotation of social security law system.

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中英动物语汇对应词之间文化内涵的基本属性是差异性。The connotation of the animal words is of importance in translation.

谢灵运赋的基本主题及情感内涵。Second, Xie Lingyun bestows on basic subject and emotion connotation.

这样的讽刺手法,使〈柳家大院〉的内涵更显深刻。This kind of satire, so that flu Courtyard more profound connotation.

砚是文房四宝之一,有着深厚的文化内涵。Inkstone is one of the four treasures, with deep cultural connotation.

朱德的社会主义建设思想内涵非常丰富。Zhu De's thought about the socialist construction has rich connotation.

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并利用意象来呈现剧中的意涵。Also, imagist expression is used to present the connotation of the play.

党的执政能力的科学内涵是什么?Of the party be in office what is the scientific connotation of ability?

向本真、淳朴、自然的人性回归,是陶诗回归主题的本质内涵。Return to truth, simplicity and nature is the connotation of TAOs poems.