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四旬斋玫瑰,,或称东方嚏根草。The Lenten Rose, or Helleborus orientalis.

因此,我们要好好理解四旬斋的宗教含义。Read about the religious meanings of the Lenten Season.

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奇形怪状的面具在法国尼斯市的大斋节前的狂欢游行时一路摇晃。Grotesque masks bob along in a burst of pre- Lenten revelry in Nice, France.

请使用这些材料,他们能朔造及深化您今年的大斋节的心灵旅程。Please use these materials to shape and deepen your Lenten journey this year.

通过神的恩典,大斋节的操练能带来基督形象的成长。Through God's grace, the Lenten disciplines can bring about growth in Christ-likeness.

四旬期“施予”的举动,也就成为加深基督徒使命的工具。The Lenten practice of almsgiving thus becomes a means to deepen our Christian vocation.

四旬期的另一个重要地方便是静默。Another important aspect of Lenten Season is silence, a time to enter deeply into ourselves.

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铁筷子属植物包括那些通常被称为“黑儿波/圣诞玫瑰”和“四旬期玫瑰”的花。The genus Helleborus includes plants that are commonly called "Christmas rose" and "Lenten rose".

铁筷子属类植物包括平常所说的“圣诞玫瑰”以及“四旬玫瑰”。The genus Helleborus includes plants that are commonly called " Christmas rose" and "Lenten rose".

各位亲爱的朋友们,在这四旬期当中,你是否有空坐下来找点时间静修呢?My dear friends, during the Lenten season, are you willing to spend some time to meditate and pray?

因此,让我们避免任何想法认为炉灰和大斋节是一个属灵成熟的方程式。Therefore, let us avoid any thought that ashes and Lenten disciplines are sure formulas for spiritual maturation.

虽然宗教领袖反对这一马尼拉地区斋戒仪式,但是这已成为菲律宾人的头等大事。Religious leaders opposed this Lenten ritual near Manila, but it has become one of the Philippine's top seasonal attractions.

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最近我们家每顿都吃丝瓜,我妈说其他的都有农药,所以只吃这一样素菜。Every have our home suddenly recently towel gourd, my Mom says other have agriculture chemical, like eating this only so Lenten.

他所备办的肴馔,素菜和荤菜全都味美,十分可取,但在酒会结束之前,他依旧不能十分平静。All the banquet—the meat dishes and the Lenten fare alike—was sumptuous, but still he could not be perfectly at ease till the end of dinner.

我希望,如果你的教会没有大斋节的操练,为自己和你的教堂可考虑使用大斋节的传统。I hope that those of you from churches with no Lenten practices will consider adopting the traditions of Lent for yourselves and for your churches.

神学生们不应当想有任何迟交功课的借口,就是大斋节的“祷告操练”要求了太多的时间!Theological students should perish any thought about submitting a paper late with the excuse that a Lenten "prayer discipline" demanded too much time!

其中一种好的祈祷方法就是以四旬期的主日福音作为整个星期的祈祷基础,而天主的话语便可融入我们的生活。One good way to pray is to take the Lenten Sunday Gospel and use it as a basis for prayer throughout the week. The word of God becomes formative in our lives.

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我恳切为每一位信友和教会团体祈祷,愿大家的四旬期之旅成果丰硕,并在此诚挚地颁赐给大家宗座降福。With these wishes, while assuring every believer and ecclesial community of my prayer for a fruitful Lenten journey, I cordially impart to all of you my Apostolic Blessing.

“我们宽恕,我们乞求宽恕,”教皇身着斋戒的紫袍,在圣彼德教堂举行的史无前例的感人典礼上布道说。We forgive and we ask for forgiveness, ' the Pope, wearing the purple vestments of Lenten mourning, said in the homily at a moving and unprecedented ceremony in St Peter's Basilica.

为了帮助您在大斋节的旅程,我已经放了一系列的文章在我们的图书馆保留书架上,文章里附上了简短目录来描述和解释大斋节的心灵操练。To aid you in your Lenten journey, I have placed on our library's reserve shelf a collection of articles that describe and explain the Lenten disciplines, along with a short bibliography.