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这标志者迅速的转变。This marks a rapid shift.

他进步很快。He has made rapid progress.

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我们给予了一次迅速的转变。We give a rapid turnaround.

眼球的频繁转动和眼脸的迅速闪动Rapid eye movement and blinking

这所学校保证立见成效。The school promised rapid results.

他感觉了脉膊,迅速的但是强的。He felt a pulse , rapid but strong.

这也许是比较急促的号子。The work's chant maybe a rapid one.

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我们的新地球是在迅速地演变中。Our New Earth is in rapid unfoldment.

我现在被称为“快速循环”。I am now being termed a "rapid cycler".

时间飞速的在我的脑中倒退。Time of rapid retrogression in my mind.

快速瘦脸的方法谁知道的啊?Rapid method of face-lift, ah who knows?

锥进因过速开采而引起。Coning is caused by too rapid production.

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也许不深,却激烈而湍急Perchance not deep, but intense and rapid

其消化率下降是很快的。The fall in digestibility is quite rapid.

快速垒墙系统,以分割大块空间。rapid wall systems to divide large spaces

脉搏加速,呼吸变得微弱。Pulse becomes rapid and breathing shallow.

泉水镇经济飞速发展。Spring town of rapid economic development.

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货币已以很快的速度贬值了。The currency has devalued at a rapid rate.

解决方案的快速组合与重新组合。Rapid assembly and reassembly of solutions.

基督山向四周急速地瞥视了一眼。Monte Cristo cast a rapid glance around him.