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我们有一搭没一搭地说着话。We are talking, in a desultory kind of way.

这是一种奇怪的,断断续续的战争前线。This is the front line in a strange, desultory war.

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威尔逊和加拉格尔心不在焉地打着扑克。Wilson and Gallagher play a desultory game of poker.

人们尽不应该杂乱无章地调查一个案件。"One should never investigate a case in a desultory manner, " said Tom.

但是到目前为止他的在金融危机期间的表现是散漫的。But so far his performance during the financial crisis has been desultory.

法官和莫尔斯先生把谈话限制在了彼此之间。其他的谈话也零落散漫。Morse confining their talk to each other, and the rest of the conversation being extremely desultory.

他只是一个轻尝浅试、旁收杂览、样样通、样样松的学生而已。He was a desultory tentative student of something and everything might only have been predicated of him.

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路边,紫罗兰的情怀吸引了不了匆匆一瞥,它用时断时续的言语喃喃抱怨。The voice of wayside pansies , that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory line.

路边三色堇的声息引不来那粗心的目光,只能在这散乱的诗句里嘟囔。The voice of wayside pansies , that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory lines.

路边的蝴蝶花,不会招徕漫不经心的一瞥,只得把零乱的诗句低声吟哦。The voice of wayside pansies , that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory lines.

针对数控激光仿形中出现的杂散点问题,提出了误差评定区域法。The article bring forward a viable means aim at the problem that desultory point exist in the laser profile data.

虽然他的财富足够让他过上衣食无忧的生活,但如一名亲属所言,他“有自己的奋斗目标,这一直鞭策和激励着他”。Though his wealth allowed him a desultory life, he was “driven and motivated by his goals,” as a relative put it.

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虽然他的财富足够让他过上衣食无忧的生活,但如一名亲属所言,他“有自己的奋斗目标,这一直鞭策和激励着他”。Though his wealth allowed him a desultory life, he was “driven and motivated by his goals, ” as a relative put it.

谈话开始时有点凌乱,但马丁仍可以欣赏到他们那敏锐的心灵活动。At first the conversation was desultory. Nevertheless Martin could not fail to appreciate the keen play of their minds.

兄弟三个和妹妹围坐在黯淡凄凉的餐桌前,勉强东拉西扯着各自的打算。The three brothers and the sister sat round the desolate breakfast table, attempting some sort of desultory consultation.

同样,我们也能够指出那些把来访者的呆滞和散漫变成专注的自我探索的标记。Likewise we were able to spot the remark which turned a client's dull and desultory talk into a focused self- exploration.

该相沉积厚度相对较大,在地震剖面上反映为丘状隆起,内部反射杂乱,呈乱岗状反射,多沿主要构造线延伸。The facies has large depositional thickness, showing colina shape, desultory interior reflections and extension along major structural alignment on seismic section.

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我们接着进行了世界上最不连贯的闲聊,不停地被新进入的人打断,每一次都需要重新讨论谁加进来了而谁还没有。We proceeded to make the world's most desultory small talk, interrupted by every new arrival, each one necessitating a fresh discussion about who was on and who wasn't.

自从七月一号混乱的日内瓦贸易部长会议破裂后,比原计划早而且实质上没有任何进展,这种抱怨声更大。Such complaints have become louder since a desultory gathering of trade ministers in Geneva broke up on July 1st, earlier than planned and with virtually no progress to report.

从睡眠第一阶段觉醒的人往往有断断续续的印象,很多人还会有忽然的肌肉抽动,叫睡眠中肌阵挛。From Morpheus the person of arousal of the first phase often has desultory impression, a lot of people still can have abrupt muscle to twitch, the flesh in calling Morpheus is clonic.