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“”他们是典型的幸存者”,他说。"They're the quintessential survivors," he says.

舞蹈的确是肢体语言的精髓。Indeed, dance is the quintessential gesture language.

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它们有更纯粹的口感和极好的粘性。They have a pure taste and the quintessential stickiness.

不过,小笼包还是上海经典的小吃!However, Xiaolongbao is the quintessential Shanghai snack!

我想,那正是雅虎的士气和文化的精髓所在。This is the quintessential yes-or-no question of our time.

但是Movieclips是一个聚合的精华电影索引。But Movieclips is a quintessential film index with a twist.

Intel的80x86家族是是典型的CISC处理器。Intel's 80x86 family is the quintessential example of CISC.

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在女人看来,典型的男人是不可知,不可捉摸的。To a woman, the quintessential male is unknowable, elusive.

草莓和奶油是经典的温布顿甜品。Strawberries and cream are the quintessential Wimbledon treat.

重型战列舰是巨舰时代的精粹之作。Ship of the Lines were the quintessential battleship of the era.

面试最令人叫绝的比喻就是狗如何嗅出他们的同类。Interviewing is the quintessential example of dogs sniffing each other out.

自我组织临界的典型例子就是一个慢慢堆砌的沙堆。The quintessential example of self-organised criticality is a growing sand pile.

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这是对个人主义典型的诠释,但是不止这些It's the quintessential sort of expression of individualism, but it's more than that.

星系优雅的螺旋外形可说是天文学的经典美景之一。The elegant spiral shape of galaxies is one of the quintessential sights of astronomy.

61套房的阿卡普尔科度假区是一个典型的组合文化课。The 61-suite Quinta Real Acapulco resort is a quintessential combination of culture and class.

对一些,理查的迅速优势到魔术的最前方预定一个精华童话。To some, Richard's rapid ascendency to magic's forefront bespeaks a quintessential fairy tale.

标志性的珍珠白已经成为完美的美国形象,但外表可能会有欺骗性。Trademark pearly whites have become a quintessential American image, but looks can be deceiving.

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但是,体现汉语文章形式美精髓的书法,实际上却偏爱简化字。Calligraphy, the quintessential aesthetic form of Chinese writing, in fact favors simplification.

即使吉布斯的这篇文章非常难读,但它还是热力学最精华的参考。Even though it is very difficult to read, Gibbs is the quintessential reference in thermodynamics.

事实上,古琴是传统的中国才子弹奏的乐器中的极品。Indeed, the guqin was the quintessential musical instrument of traditional China's educated elite.