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我们怎么知道它是512M呢?How do we know it's 512 MB?

在成套方面给64毫巴。In the complete set give 64 Mb.

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亚甲蓝的载药方法是吸附法。MB was loaded by adsorption method.

中国!我们应强硬!应有行动。China! We must be strong! We mb ust act.

你的Xbox需要一个512MB的便携式记录卡吗?Need 512 MB of portable memory for your Xbox?

一个计划可能只会包含这麽多兆节的流量数据。A plan may include only so many MB of transferred data.

它拥有16G的存储空间,350MB内存。It touts 16GB of storage memory, and 350 MB of internal memory.

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说白了就是旧社会的鸨母,新时代的MB经理人。White said the old society is a bawd , a new era of MB manager.

气旋性环流和气旋性涡度在对流层中层的700毫巴附近最强。The strongest cyclonic circulation and vorticity are at about 700 mb.

在重做日志记录达到缓冲区的三分之一。The redo log buffer is one-third full or contains 1 MB of buffered data.

过去我们依靠肌酸激酶或肌酸激酶MB片段进行诊断。In the past we relied on creatine kinase or the MB fragment of creatine kinase.

你需要100-200MB的专用记忆体来维持一个低流量的Rails应用。You need 100–200 MB of dedicated RAM to host even a low-traffic Rails application.

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MB内存器件您应该选择0,5手机芯片的内存,只有一个磁盘驱动器。For 64 MB RAM devices you should select 0,5 MB chip memory and only one disk drive.

有趣的是安装程序的大小从接近0.9MB越到1.0版本的9.3MB。It is interesting that the installer jumped from a mere 0.9 MB for version 1.0 to 9.3 MB.

每个档案应解压缩到1.44兆软盘与复苏的子目录启用。Each file should be unzipped onto a 1.44 Mb floppy with recovery of subdirectories enabled.

运用成本-效益分析法对以上两种检测方法进行分析。The cost-effectiveness of troponin T was compared with that of CK- MB by cost-effective analysis.

在气旋中心附近及其北侧,在700毫巴附近及以下仅有一狭窄的冷带。There is a narrow cold zone nearby the centre and north side of vortex at about 700 mb and below.

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本文计算了亚洲500毫巴月平均环流指数的方差谱。In this paper, the power spectrum of the monthly 500 mb circulation index over Asia has been calculated.

Verizon刚在五月将包月50MB提高为250MB,并降低了超出流量费用。Verizon had just increased it's data plan from 50 to 250 MB as of May, and had also reduced overage fees.

并发GC只在当前段上分配内存,通常是16M。The Concurrent GC allocates memory while running but in the current segment which is 16 MB on a workstation.