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一个不满意的顾客足以影响25人的购买意愿。A dissatisfactory client enough affects 25 people buy intention.

而另一些学生逃课则是因为教学实在是过于差强人意。Others play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory.

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生活中不顺心与工作的压力积了太多,我们应该正确的发泄。We should express the stress and dissatisfactory in our life and work.

做多可以赚,做空也可以赚,惟有贪心不足者除外。Going long can be ahead, going short too. But the dissatisfactory people are excluded.

而她的父亲对于她的生活状态并不满意,甚至不会给她留下任何遗产。And her father is dissatisfactory to her life condition, won't leave any legacy to her even.

要说这款产品还有什么让我不满意的地方,就是它的包装。Want to say this product still has the place that what lets I am dissatisfactory , be it pack.

但对闸后起伏较大的自由水面问题采用弹性盖法处理则存在不满意的地方。But the elasticity assume existed dissatisfactory aspects to rather fluctuant free surface flow downstream sluice.

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汤姆沉迷练琴而耽误了房地产的工作,父亲与朋友对他越来越不满意。Tom indulges Lian Qin and the job that delayed estate, father and friend are more and more dissatisfactory to him.

如果不满意,即使是最普通的消费者也可以直接给CEO办公室发邮件进行投诉。If dissatisfactory , even if prevailing consumer also can give CEO office to send mail to undertake complaining directly.

但其较低的纵向分层能力制约了它在薄差层和表外储层中的应用。However, its dissatisfactory vertical resolving power limits its application in thin and poor layer and untabulated reservoir.

不过可悲的是,即使对自己的嘴唇不满意,也没有什么化妆办法可以弥补。Lamentable nevertheless is, although the lip to oneself is dissatisfactory , also make up without what method can be made up for.

但从教学管理的全过程来看,考风考纪不尽人意,亟需加强。However, considering the whole process of education management, the exam disciplines are dissatisfactory and leave much to be desired.

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在装修过程中,碰到老公出差回来不满足时,有则改之!In decorating a process, encounter difference of old be away on official business to come back dissatisfactory when, have what change!

这些过错往往导致病人的不满足或造成对病人的伤害,从而引起医疗纠纷。These fault often bring about a patient dissatisfactory or the harm that makes didymous patient, pose medical treatment issue thereby.

实时嵌入式软件作为应用软件的一大流派,在很多领域有着极其广泛的应用,但其质量却令人担忧。As one primary genre of application, the Real time and Embedded software is applied in many fields, while its dissatisfactory quality is worrying.

基于理想运算放大器模型所构建的低通滤波器,未考虑非理想器件参数的影响,所设计出的低通滤波器响应性能并不理想。When designing the LPF based on ideal Op Amps, the coupling effects of nonideal Op Amps are omitted, resulting in dissatisfactory performance of LPF.

接收站位置未知使得传统的干扰手段很难对双基地雷达形成理想的干扰效果。Because the position of receiver radar was unknown, the jamming efficiency of the traditional jamming measures against bistatic radar is dissatisfactory.

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绩效不理想的原因是多方面的,而未能形成有效的政策实施机制是其主要原因之一。The dissatisfactory performance may attribute to several reasons, while failure to form effective policy enforcement mechanism is one of the major complaints.

结论社区卫生服务从业人员总体满意水平较高,但在许多方面仍较不满意。Conclusion The general satisfactory level of the community health workers was higher with their present job dissati, but it is still dissatisfactory in some sides.

转换波资料的信噪比较低,有效信号往往被面波干扰淹没,因此需要对面波进行压制,但是将面波作为线性干扰的压制方法很难得到好的效果。Effective suppression of ground roll is vital to converted wave seismic data processing, but the methods of suppressing ground roll, as linear noise is usually dissatisfactory.