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你可以报名参加后备军官训练队,You can sign up for what's called ROTC

“失去ROTC的奖学金对我的经济状况影响很大,”他说。"The financial impact for losing an ROTC scholarship is substantial, " he said.

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我之前也没有参加过高考,如果用考海军的那个分数来参考,应该够了。I didn't take the SATs, assuming instead that the scores on my ROTC naval exams were enough.

我之前也没有参加过高考,如果用考海军的那个分数来参考,应该够了。I didn’t take the SATs, assuming instead that the scores on my ROTC naval exams were enough.

错过了那次后备军官训练队舞会并不意味着我们不能在这里举行我们自己的舞会——现在就开始。Just because you missed the ROTC dance doesn't mean we can't have our own right here right now.

所以,到了1970年3月的第二周,我知道我已经可以不用去参加后备役军官训练军团,但是兵役还是要服的。So by the second week of March 1970, I knew I was free of the ROTC obligation, but not the draft.

空军官员的加入和培训学校还负责管理空军初级rotc程式。Air Force Officer Accession and Training Schools also administers the Air Force Junior ROTC program.

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我的两个最要好的朋友几周前就收到了邀请,所以我早就不指望会有后备军官训练队的人邀请我去训练队舞会上跳舞了。My two best friends had gotten dates weeks ago, so I had given up hope of anyone from ROTC asking me.

不管怎样,如果霍尔姆斯上校要召我参加后备役军官训练军团,我仍然认为自己有义务去参加。In any case, I still considered myself bound to the ROTC commitment if Colonel Holmes called me on it.

夏季一天天过去,我对加入后备役军官训练军团和阿肯色法学院这个决定感到越来越糟。As the summer wore on, I felt worse and worse about my decision to join the ROTC and go to Arkansas Law School.

接下来,我呼吁所有大学校园向我们的军方征兵人员和后备军官训练队敞开大门。And with that change, I call on all of our college campuses to open their doors to our military recruiters and the ROTC.

一个在纽约理工大学后备军官训练队的成员暂停在纽约市嗡伍军人节游行11月11日,2010。A member of the New York Institute of Technology ROTC pauses during the New York City Veterans Day Parade on November 11th 2010.

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一个在纽约理工大学后备军官训练队的成员暂停在纽约市退伍军人节游行11月11日,2010。A member of the New York Institute of Technology ROTC pauses during the New York City Veterans Day Parade on November 11th, 2010.

更令人失望的是我失去了一次为期四年的海军后备军官训练队的免费奖学金机会。An even greater disappointment was losing an opportunity to go to four years of college for free on a naval ROTC scholarship program.

美国军官学校和后备军官训练团是美国培养任命前军官的重要途径,二者在历史上都取得了辉煌的成就。As the important institutes for the cultivation of precomissioning officers, US service academies and ROTC programs have made great achievements.

我读了信之后,才明白为什么老布什竞选班子确信这封信,加上霍尔姆斯上校在后备军官训练军团这段插曲上的改口,能将我在新罕布什尔州置于死地。When I read it, I could see why the Bush campaign was sure that the letter and Colonel Holmes’s revised account of the ROTC episode would sink me in New Hampshire.

我不记得也没有找到杰夫.德怀尔录下的那盘磁带,上面录有1970年3月他与霍尔姆斯上校之间的友好对话,那时我已经脱离了完后备役军官训练计划,回到征兵名单上了。I didn’t remember and didn’t find Jeff Dwire’s tape relaying his friendly conversation with Holmes in March 1970, after I was out of the ROTC program and back in the draft.

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从锡拉丘兹大学预备军官训练团项目毕业后,她成了空军的一名飞行员,然后稳步上升,1989年跻身于男性垄断的空军试飞学校。She became an Air Force flier after graduating from the Syracuse ROTC program, and she steadily rose to join the male-dominated ranks of the Air Force Test Pilot School in 1989.

他选择不这样做,因为在他的话后备军官训练队,加入了他的入伍奖金和加快推进,从他的学位点,它更有利可图,争取比他的佣金。He chose not to do the ROTC because, in his words, adding up his enlistment bonus and the accelerated promotion points from his degree, it was more profitable for him to enlist than commission.