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我的电话?My telephone?

我能用一下电话吗?我姓沈。May I use the telephone?

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你给李蕾打电话了吗?Did you telephone Li Lei?

电话响了。The telephone is ringing.

公共电话在哪儿?Where is public telephone?

电话叮铃响了一下。The telephone gave a tinkle.

哪里有公用电话?Where is a public telephone?

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你可以通过电话与我联系。You can get me by telephone.

布罗迪打电话向她道谢。Brody telephone to thank her.

正在这时,电话铃响了。Just then,the telephone rang.

电话那端,她哭了。Telephone the end, she cried.

你的电话号是多少?What's your telephone number?

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我想给我妹妹打个电话。I want to telephone my sister.

电话局在什么处所?Where is the telephone office?

她在电话局工作。She work at a telephone office.

这个电话号码是空号。This telephone is disconnected.

这种透过电话的温暖。This warmth over the telephone.

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你能拨这个号码吗?Could you telephone this number?

你有无绳电话吗?Do you have a wireless telephone?

你这里卖电话磁卡吗?Do you sell telephone cards here?