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但这是唯一可确定的事。But that is the only certainty.

他说的明白确切。He spoke with clearness and certainty.

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它将是广大人民的定心丸。It's to bring certainty for our people.

有什么是你认为自己确定了解的呢?What is it that you know with certainty?

在选举年,这有很大的不确定性。In an election year, this is no certainty.

但是有一个预测是可以确定的。But one prediction can be made with certainty.

多年来,他一直是票房收入的保证。For years he was a boffo box office certainty.

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是否存在认识的绝对肯定性?。Can there be absolute certainty about anything?

如此,可以确定地启动放电灯。Thus, the discharge lamp starts with certainty.

我们都希望稳定中产阶级。All of us want certainty for middle-class Americans.

平静和自信被敌意和侵犯取代了。Calm and certainty have been replaced by aggression.

但一名世卫组织官员说,并不一定会形成大规模流行疫情。But a WHO official says a pandemic is not a certainty.

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要坚定信念,必先怀疑。To believe with certainty we must begin with doubting.

关于确定性,你还做了哪些方面的研究呢?Where else do you want to take your certainty research?

但投资人一如往昔希望看到更高的确定性.But investors, as ever, are demanding greater certainty.

一个好的演绎论点给我们有条件的确定性。A good deductive argument gives us conditional certainty.

绝对确定不再成为我争求的一样东西。Absolute certainty is not something I strive for anymore.

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这事确信无疑,托利党将进行重新选举。It's a dead certainty that the Tories will be re-elected.

在经济不确定的时候,我们的税收需要稳定。And in a time of economic uncertainty, we need tax certainty.

感性确定性自身里本质的东西和非本质的东西。What is essential and not essential in sense certainty itself.