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你说话很恰当。You speak quite apropos.

我认为他说得很中肯。I thought he spoke very apropos.

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关于明天的活动,那就看我感觉如何了。Apropos tomorrow's event, I'll see how I feel.

此时距离项目动议恰好20个小时。Space project motion is right now apropos 20 hours.

现在我想开始今天的主题-讲座,I,want,to,then,start,today's,talk–,关于货币政策,并且现在谈论他是非常合乎时宜的。lecture which is about monetary policy and it's really apropos right now.

我想你们可以获取到那次接见中,的话题。And I think you'll find the topic that came up during that interview fairly apropos.

她太招摇,漫不经心,恰好彼此都可以无所束缚。She is too ostentatious, unmindful, apropos each other can be manacled without place.

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这是一个对内存的暗示,对于习题集2来说是恰当的。There's an allusion there to memory, which will be a little apropos for Problem Set 2.

说起洼地来,你真是一个古怪的家伙,为什么你不把这个人丢进去?Apropos of that quagmire, you're a hearty animal. Why didn't you toss the man in there?

说到她在Scrum中的职业生涯,去年Druckman已经成为狂热的橄榄球迷了。Apropos to her career in Scrum, Druckman has become an avid rugby fan in the last year.

黄队则主要针对讲座和俱乐部内部出现的一些问题做出了非常实际和非常中肯的回答。Team Huang apropos replied to some questions that appeared in the lecture and club mainly.

作为一个良师益友来指引你成为全知并充满智慧的了解生命的意义。Such people are ones that you turn to for guidance, knowledge and apropos wisdom about life.

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机会是恰好的时候,可以创造,机遇则是好的境遇,不可以创造。The opportunity is apropos when, can create, good luck is good circumstances, can not create.

一些必备的理论,我设法掌握一些皮毛的知识,只要我知道在对话中用对了就行了。With certain theories, I try to get a cursory knowledge — to understand what's apropos in the conversation.

他们到另一个所在去梦想,他们由于有了音乐而梦想,关于音乐的梦想,但却从来不真正在听音乐。They go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it.

钟嵘对鲍照的诗歌源流及艺术特征有过中肯的评价,但引起了王士祯的批评与反对。Though Zhong Rong judged the poetic source of Bao Zhao apropos , Wang Shizhen criticized the standpoint of Zhong Rong.

此外,还有一种言之凿凿的说法认为,雪利酒与历史上曾一度统治西班牙的摩尔人有着极为密切的关系。In addition, still have a kind of apropos say, sherry and history to once ruled Spain moor has a very close relationship.

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联桥夫人不时谈及自己的性情,总用一句警句指出她的人生哲学。Now and then, apropos of nothing save her own mood, Mrs. Bracebridge would indicate her philosophy of life in an epigram.

足够应付就行了。一些必备的理论,我设法掌握一些皮毛的知识,只要我知道在对话中用对了就行了。Enough to get by. With certain theories, I try to get a cursory knowledge — to understand what's apropos in the conversation.

所以,以儒家天道论和人道论来定性儒家政治学说,是比较中肯的。So, it is more apropos to determine the nature of the Confucians' political theory by the theory of natural law and humanity.