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是人类最大的诱惑者。Is the great tempter of mankind.

他受不了我的脾气。My tempter is more than he can bear.

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撒旦是人类最大的诱惑者。Satan is the great tempter of mankind.

凭信心让我们宣告,我们现在已践踏那蛇。Let us by faith in Jesus tread the tempter down.

他面对试探者,真是有可能会犯罪的。He was confronted by the tempter with a real opportunity to sin.

她用一本书把这份诱人的财物盖起来,结果让厨房里的另一个佣人拿走了。She covered the tempter with a book, and another member of the kitchen cabinet got it.

大城市具有自身种种诱人的花招,并不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女。The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter.

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大都市里到处是狡诈的骗局,其程度并不差于比它小得多的装着人样的诱惑者。The city has its cunning wiles , no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter.

但是如果写作的时候每当这种诱惑进入脑海,学生就要打上一次勾。But every time the tempter did pop into mind while scribbling, the students had to tick a box.

每个人一生中都会经常受魔鬼的试探,牠的试探总是很狡猾,不露痕迹的。None of us will go through life without the constant, subtle, clever, craftiness of the tempter.

那试探人的进前来对他说,你若是神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物。The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."

那位古今常存的试探者用各种方法令我们怀疑神,不信神,和叛逆神。The ancient tempter tries in all kinds of ways to make us doubt, distrust, and rebel against the Lord.

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那试探人的进前来对他说,你若是神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物。And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

我很容易发火。这是从父亲那儿遗传来的。我容易发火而且事后总有种负疚感。I tend to loose my tempter very often. I got that from my dad. I have a quick temper and I always feel guilty in the end.

作为亚当和夏娃的真正后裔,我们往往听从那试探者的声音,手触不可摸之物,眼看不当看的东西。As true descendants of Adam and Eve, we listen often to the voice of the tempter. We touch what is forbidden and gaze at what our eyes should shun.

怪兽的舌尖带有伪装色,看起来像一个小巧可爱的生物,它把梅斯诱到洞边,在梅斯伸手进去的时候猛地咬住他的手臂。By using the camouflaged end of its tongue to pretend to be a smaller, cuter creature, the tempter caused Mace to reach into the knothole, where it proceeded to snag his arm.

文中不仅没有提到撒旦,甚至把撒旦视为邪恶的诱惑者这一思想的出现比伊甸园典故晚了至少500年。“Not only does the text not mention Satan, the very idea of Satan as a devilish tempter postdates the composition of the Garden of Eden story by at least 500 years, ” Dunn says.

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吵架的时候总是不肯让让我,发脾气的时候好凶,又不肯听人家意见,但是为什么行雷闪电的时候,我还是希望你在我身旁?You always don't give in to me when quarreling. You are so vicious when losing tempter . you don't like criticism. But why will I hope you are beside me when there's storm and thunder?

人类灵魂的诱惑者一再把这个念头塞进海丝特的脑海,还嘲笑著捉住她的情欲和狂喜,然后又竭力让她抛掉这一念头。Over and over again the tempter of souls had thrust this idea upon hester's contemplation and laughed at the passionate an desperate joy with which she seized and then strove to cast it from her.

人类灵魂的诱惑者一再把这个念头塞进海丝特的脑海,还嘲笑著捉住她的情欲和狂喜,然后又竭力让她抛掉这一念头。Over and over again the tempter of souls had thrust this idea upon hester's contemplation and laughed at the passionate and desperate joy with which she seized and then strove to cast it from her.