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这是一出悲剧。It's a very sad opera.

歌剧演唱家喜欢这个Opera singers love this.

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你喜欢京剧吗?Do you like Beijing Opera?

这出歌剧的舞台效果好。The opera was good theater.

我是个真正的歌剧迷。I'm a real opera aficionado.

她不喜欢看京剧。She abominates Beijing Opera.

它们只是戏服。They are just opera costumes.

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重唱是整合歌剧主题的纽带。He was the pivot of the opera.

那部歌剧真有意思。That opera was a real delight.

欧培拉浏览器终于出了新版本了!Finally a new version of Opera.

如果你用Opera邮箱请举手?Hands up if you use Opera mail?

我非常喜欢中国的京剧。I like Beijing opera very much.

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歌剧是谱上曲的戏剧。An opera is a play set to music.

它是中国的国剧吗?Is it a national opera in China?

现在宫廷剧很流行呢!Royal opera is very popular now!

卡门的基础上,比才的歌剧。Carmen, based on the Bizet opera.

你怎么看待日本剧?What do you think of Japan opera?

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我不知道你喜不喜欢看戏?I wonder if you care for an opera?

你这唱的也是潮剧?Is that Chao Opera you're singing?

我们已经在歌剧院定了个包厢。We have taken a box at the opera.