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外面没别的人,就只有一个拄着拐棍的乡下老头。Nobody out there but some old gaffer with a cane.

——我还以为是政府派来的官员呢。I thought it might be some gaffer sent by Government.

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使用灯光师磁带,以保持一个古董相机亮出来。Use gaffer tape to keep light out of an antique camera.

“在流浪者,我曾经与教练合作过,”他说道,“他教会我许多。”"I had played with the gaffer before at Rangers, " he said. "He pushed me a lot.

我非常感谢老雷对我的信任。他似乎能预见到我的表现。I'm thankful the gaffer put his trust in me to play and now he's seen what I can do.

也许现在的英格兰领班在担心贝克汉姆的影响力比自己还大?Maybe the current England gaffer was afraid that Mr. Beckham was a bigger name then his?

在与西汉姆赛前的例行发布会上,贝尼特斯也被问及了对新主席任命的看法。The gaffer was quizzed on Friday morning's announcement at his pre-West Ham press conference.

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“我们正在寻找能够助我们一臂之力的球员,这就是为什么我们签下马西,”主教练说道。"We were looking for someone to give us a lift and that's why we went for Maxi, " said the gaffer.

工头对我很满意,而前插并非我的主要任务。The gaffer was happy with what I was doing and getting into those forward positions wasn't my priority.

“这场比赛的关键就是保持冷静,保持冷静的头脑,”拉法在赛前的新闻发布会上说。"The key in this game is to remain calm, keep a cool head, " the gaffer told his pre-match press conference.

在这里你可以从一面货架上就买到跳绳、银色胶带和荧光电话。It is a place where you can get a skipping rope, gaffer tape and a fluorescent telephone all on the same shelf.

随着队长的归队,这将会让教练有更多挑选阵容的问题。但是我们都会团结在一起。With Stevie to return, it's going to cause the gaffer even more selection problems. But we're all in it together.

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我们的主帅此时选择相信了约万、乔·科尔以及威尔逊,相信他们的能力能够帮助球队一起达成球迷们的期盼。Nonetheless, the gaffer is confident players of Cole, Jovanovic and Wilson's quality can help realise those hopes.

教练相信他的20号球员可以达到最佳状态,同时也不情愿马斯切拉诺在圣诞这样一个重要的节日里离开球队。The gaffer believes his No. 20 is approaching top form and is reluctant to let him go during the crucial festive period.

虽然对这个判罚仍有点不愤,他还是决定不继续追究此事。Although the gaffer admits to still holding a sense of frustration at the decision, he decided against pursuing the matter.

已经撂下百叶窗的酒吧外面,聚着一群游手好闲的人,倾听着他们那个塌鼻梁的工头用急躁刺耳的沙声讲着妙趣横生的故事。Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of loiterers listen to a tale which their brokensnouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour.

但利物浦的主帅仍需要最点工作,那就是说服阿隆索留下,告诉他默西塞德需要他。But the Anfield gaffer has some work to do to persuade another midfielder, Xabi Alonso, that he is still wanted on Merseyside.

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自2006年以来,他一直担任邓加在国家队的助理教练——脾气暴躁的头领配上温文尔雅的副手,相得益彰。Since 2006, he has worked as Dunga’s assistant coach of the national team – a mild-mannered wingman to the ill-tempered gaffer.

主教练同时还盛赞雷纳,他几次世界级的扑救确保利物浦城门不失。The gaffer also reserved words of praise for Pepe Reina, who ensured Liverpool kept a clean sheet with a string of world-class saves.

所以在一月要钱的时候,红军主帅无疑需要最强的说服力让钱主们打开钱包。And the Reds gaffer will no doubt need to be at his persuasive best when asking the money men to release the purse strings in January.