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财福寿何解死无葬身之地?。Choi Fook Sau What makes us lacking in land of burial?

于是,她恳求工作人员告知阮凡寿的联系电话。Therefore, she urged the staff to inform Nguyen Sau Fan telephone.

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返伊人香闺孙耀威见杨秀惠饮至半醉,出动保母车送伊人返香闺。Eric used his nanny van to send Yeung Sau Wai, who was half drunk, home.

1950年,陈志昆与一名中学教师黄寿珍在檀香山结婚。In 1950, Chee Kwon married Sau Chun Wong, a high school teacher, in Honolulu.

在这里我有机会认识美国的文化和接触许多人。SAU gives me the opportunity to understand American culture and interact with people.

苏秀华获香港奥委会颁赠2006及2007年度「宏利香港运动员奖学金计划」。So Sau Wah is the holder of "Manulife Hong Kong Sports Scholarship Program" in 2006 &2007.

会否邀请与他传出绯闻的杨秀惠一起到北京看奥运?Will he invite Yeung Sau Wai, his rumored girlfriend, to Beijing watching the Olympic Games?

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孙耀威与杨秀惠交换戒指打情骂俏,相当亲热。When Eric and Yeung Sau Wai exchanged their rings, they had a sweet and happy couple's fight.

杨秀惠被问是否觉得孙耀威口花花,她只以甜笑回应。We asked Yeung Sau Wai if she felt Eric was a bit talkative. She responded with a sweet smile.

是风光毓秀、景色迷人的水东湾省级旅游度假区的重要组成部分。Yuk Sau was beautiful, charming scenery of the East Bay water provincial tourist resort important component.

仲继寿介绍说,国内外的专家对健康住宅的研究都是从“无损健康”开始的。Trong Sau said that domestic and foreign experts on the health of residential research are from the "not harmful to health" began.

秀茂坪天主教小学的代表向参加者讲解他们的模型以缤纷的色彩运用来展示学校旁边斜坡的各种用途。Representatives from Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School presented their colourful model of the hillside near their school campus.

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川农单交9号比农大65在不同播期中表现高产稳产,是因它农艺性状在各时期的变异小,稳定性高。The comparison also exhibits that SAU 9 has a higher and more stable yield than BAU 65 due to its lower variability and higher stability.

按照青秀区津头街道办事处的通知,12月12日至12月17日,是葛麻村居民来缴纳房屋租赁税费的日子。Ching Sau first streets in the district offices Tianjin notice from December 12 to December 17, Ge Ma village residents to pay rental housing tax day.

在中国居住的11年间,他们过着十分节俭的生活并经历了很多困难时期,黄寿珍认为这是她一生中最美好的时光。During their 11 years in China, the Chuns lived frugally and went through many difficult times but spiritually, Sau Chun felt it was the highlight of her life.

杨秀惠解释指当时正好要回家,但孙耀威却称送杨秀惠到她要去的地方,令人质疑杨秀惠是否前言不搭后语,孙耀威也取笑她不知是否约见第二个男朋友。Yeung Sai Wai explained that she had to go home. But Eric stated that he sent her to the place where she wanted to go. It made us have the query that Yeung Sau Wai was talking incoherently.

弱势市场的强势消费力对恋日嘉园的定位构成支撑,并有助于木秀于林,品牌之花怒放,最终形成所谓的“无竞争空间”。Strong spending power of the weak market position of a yearning Jiayuan support and help in Sau Lin Wood, the flower fragrance brands, ultimately forming a so-called "non-competitive space."

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今年大盘当道,星彦地产推出的可爱小盘芳邻却又能集合消费者的目光,脱颖而出,秀于盘林中,再次给我们留下一道迷人的风景。This year sales history, Sing Yin-estate launched lovely house but motivation to assemble the eyes of consumers, come, Mr Billy Lam Sau in the plate once again left us with charming scenery.

擅山水,尤以巨幅见长,所作气势恢廓,雄健秀茂,自具风貌,为当代“岭南画派”代表画家之一。Good at landscapes, particularly known for huge, restored the momentum profile, vigorous Sau Mau, from a style for the contemporary "Lingnan school of painting" represents one of the artists.

另一场感情戏,是孙耀威代杨秀惠向关楚耀提出分手,他很满意自己的表现,并笑言男观众看了会感动得眼湿湿。In another emotional scene, Eric represented Yeung Sau Wai requesting Kelvin Kwan to end their romance. He is very satisfied with his performance and joked that even male viewers will get touched.