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查帐员审核了全部凭单。The auditor looked through all the vouchers.

稽核员开始审察帐务。The auditor began the examination of accounts.

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她是名查账员并为一名拍卖商工作。She was an auditor and worked for an auctioneer.

凭证复核员在请款单上签字确认。Voucher auditor signs on the correct payment request.

董事长涉及审计员的讲话被写进会议记录。The chairman's remarks about the auditor were minuted.

和尚可以预期的不周到的核数师。The monk could have desired no more attentive auditor.

某个固执的审计员说不定想拿你来杀鸡儆猴。A tenacious auditor might want to make an example out of you.

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核数师负责所有舞弊和错误检测。The auditor is responsible for detecting all fraud and error.

审核员必须能接纳被审核方的情况。The auditor must be able to adapt to the auditee's situation.

然而,外来的审计员通过了这个井字游戏。Well, they had an outside auditor approve the tic-tac-toe game.

想想马萨诸塞州审计员的一系列的报告。Consider a series of reports by the Massachusetts state auditor.

在化学工厂有关于环境,健康以及安全的审核经验。Experience as an auditor in the EHS field in a chemical factory.

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已同意将核数师的人的姓名和地址。The name and address of the person who has agreed to be auditor.

随后,他于2001年被任命为合并后的集团首席审计师。He was then appointed chief auditor of the combined group in 2001.

协助董事会评估外部审计师的独立性。Assist board in assessing the independence of the external auditor.

银行在询证函上签字盖章后将其寄还审计师。The bank signs the confirmation form and sends it back to the auditor.

你是否认为非审计服务对审计师的独立性构成威胁?。Do you perceive non-audit services as a threat to auditor independence?

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告诉核数师,我们所有的财政记录都由他管理。Tell the auditor that all of our financial records are at his disposal.

维修人员基础执照,ISO内审员培训证书。Maintenance Personnel License, ISO Internal Auditor Training Certificate.

核数师签署同意任命为党的核数师。The auditor's signed consent to the appointment as auditor for the party.