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蒂莉拿来睡衣,他给她穿上。Tilly brought it, and he put it on her.

我只是想和你玩,“但是特里太害羞了。”I just want to play. But Tilly was too shy.

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哦,弗莱德。我想特里喜欢你的,他就是非常害羞。I think Tilly likes you, but she is very shy.

蒂莉还不懂事,但卡伦已经够大了。Tilly won’t understand, but Karen is old enough.

我游到蒂莉在的地方,可却发现她已经不见了。I swam out to where Tilly had been. But she was gone.

“蒂莉不会再回来了,”她声音低缓地说,目光正对着我。Tilly never came back, " she said softly, looking right at me."

蒂莉把她自己的腿伸到椅子上,撸起裤腿。Tilly drew her own leg up onto the chair and pulled up her pants leg.

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蒂莉·史密斯就读于英国萨里郡奥克斯肖特的丹尼斯山学校。Tilly Smith is a schoolgirl at Danes Hill School in Oxshott, Surrey, England.

在复活节的星期天,没有人去游泳,而蒂莉却决定去海边。Then one Easter Sunday, when no one goes swimming ever, Tilly decided she would go.

法国一家儿童报纸称英国女孩蒂莉·史密斯为“年度儿童”。A children's newspaper in France named British girl Tilly Smith as Child of the Year.

蒂利的牙仙子可于10月14日在零售商的圣诞礼品指南。Tilly the Tooth Fairy will be available in the retailer's Christmas Gift Guide from October 14th.

我跟着她来到圣苏西海边,站在礁石上看着她,因为我不知道我还能做什么。I followed Tilly to san Souci and stood on a rock to watch her because I did not know what else to do.

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一天青蛙贝力和青蛙逖力在花园里玩儿,忽然他们的球掉进了枯井。One day Billy Frog and Tilly Frog were playing in the garden when suddenly their ball fell into the dry well.

蒂莉坐在科琳妈妈的怀里,还在吃蛋糕,卡伦被一个表妹追得绕着山茱萸跑。Tilly sat in Colleen’s mother’s lap, still eating cake, and Karen ran around the dogwood, chased by one of her cousins.

她溺爱卡伦,一年零八个月之后,她也一样地溺爱蒂莉,不时地给孩子们带来衣服、玩具、动物公仔。She doted on Karen, and then, 20 months later, on Tilly as well, bringing clothes, toys, and stuffed animals for the girls.

蒂莉是个长的特别高的小女孩,比她最好的朋友莫利还要高,小床都快放不下她了。Tall Tilly is very tall. She is taller than her best friend Molly, and too tall for her bed. She is too tall to be a ballerina.

起初,她们相处的很融洽,后来发生的一些事情给她们的关系蒙上了阴影。因为杰瑟米发现蒂莉蒂莉竟然是幽灵,而且想依附在自己身上。Their relationship is friendly at first but becomes darker as it appears that Tilly Tilly is a ghost who wants Jessamy 's body for her own.

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去年,蒂莉和父母、妹妹一起去泰国度假,在这之前,她在安德鲁·科尼老师的地理课上学了有关海啸的知识。Tilly had studied tsunamis with her geography teacher, Andrew Kearney, shortly before flying to Thailand for a holiday with her parents and younger sister last year.

但他们没有再等下去,蒂莉和卡伦占据了主卧室,莫伊拉和亨利在家庭娱乐室、背靠着厨房料理台、在餐厅的桌子上,占领了对方。But they did not wait, and because Tilly and Karen had occupied the bedroom, Moira and Henry occupied each other in the family room, against the kitchen counter, on the dining-room table.

等到蒂利和卡伦睡着了,亨利总是小心翼翼地爬下床,尽管他知道他的小心有些夸张,这个时候他的撤退恐怕很难惊动两个孩子,要想吵醒她们,那得要更大的动静才行。Once Tilly and Karen were sleeping, Henry always crept out of bed with exaggerated carefulness, though he knew that something more momentous than his evacuation would be required to rouse them.