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嫁给他?Marry him?

我听到他了。I hear him.

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我认得他!I know him.

我反问他。I asked him.

我喜欢他。I liked him.

描述他。Describe him.

为此我很崇拜他。I adored him.

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我吻了他。I kissed him.

我看见他死去。Isaw him die.

让他等一等。Let him wait.

你感受他。You feel him.

我叫醒他。I wake him up.

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我们得让他走。We let him go.

不要唠叨他。Do not nag him.

我瞧不起他。I despise him.

我很尊敬他。I respect him.

我瞪着他。I stare at him.

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她崇拜他。She adored him.

她会离他而去。She leaves him.

我们诳骗了他。We cheated him.