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尼泊尔旅游事业的主要焦点是文化。Culture is the main focus of Nepali tourism business.

但是尼泊尔大会党不能放弃这个口号。But the Nepali Congress could not give up this slogan.

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那时我们就说尼泊尔人民受骗上当了。At the time we said the Nepali peoples have been cheated.

这名年轻的尼泊尔人与九名同乡分享一个房间。The young Nepali shares a room with nine of his countrymen.

从八一过尼洋河,一路照相“STOP”不断。From 81 Nepali Yang River, a group photography "STOP" unceasingly.

是保护尼泊尔经典和民谣的尝试。THE HIMALAYAN LORES In an attempt to preserve the Nepali classic and folk music.

他的对手、尼泊尔大会党候选人德乌帕获得113票。His opponent, the Nepali Congress party candidate, Sher Bahadur Deuba, received 113 votes.

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反对党尼泊尔大会党则希望能进驻政府监督选举。Then the opposition Nepali Congress Party expects to move into government to oversee elections.

召开全体会议前,我们联系了尼泊尔议会和联合马列的领导人,并想把他们请到罗尔泊。Before the plenum, we contacted the Nepali Congress and UML leaders and tried to bring them to Rolpa.

在尼泊尔首都加德满都繁忙的印陀罗邱克市集,孩童正吸著胶水。Children sniff glue at Indrachowk, a busy market place in the Nepali capital Kathmandu, September 11, 2006.

然而,我认为尼泊尔人民也懂得如何惩罚那些怙恶不悛的家伙。However, I think the Nepali people also know how to punish those who maintain their old notorious character.

对于东莞而言,这位塞尼加尔外援可能比“魔兽”桑普森更可怕。Speaking of Dongguan, the Nepali Jar foreign aid Sampson is possibly more fearful than "the evil spirit beast".

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尼泊尔国大党,第三大主要政党,则致力于一个英国会议似的议会体制,希望权力不那么分散。The Nepali Congress, the third main party, advocates a Westminster-style parliamentary system, and less devolution.

毛派主席普拉昌达以巨大优势战胜尼泊尔国会党对手。Maoist chief Prachanda was elected by a majority of the governing assembly over his only rival from the Nepali Congress Party.

目前,这一世界纪录保持者是16岁的尼泊尔男孩坦巴•薛里•谢帕。Currently a16-year-old Nepali boy, Temba Tsheri Sherpa, holds the record of being theworld's youngest climber of Mount Everest.

在「马特雅哈」节庆期间,尼泊尔首都加德满都帕坦区的信众绕著祭坛行进。Devotees walk around an altar at Patan in the Nepali capital Kathmandu while celebrating the 'Matyaha' festival August 11, 2006.

尼方将积极支持和配合杨大使工作,共同推进尼中关系不断向前发展。He also said the Nepali side would actively support and work with Ambassador Yang, to jointly promote the Nepal-China relations.

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一年前毛派的反叛分子获得大多数的席次,令大多数的外国观察家和尼泊尔的精英分子都觉得震惊。It was a jolt to most foreign observers and the Nepali elite when Maoist insurgents won the most seats in an election a year ago.

尼泊尔将会在立宪会议投票结束后进入和平、稳定和发展的阶段。The Nepali people will have reached a decision by the end of Nepali year 2065 BS even if the elections do not take place by then.

激进者表示,科威特的劳工自杀事件屡见不鲜,而卡塔尔的尼泊尔流动劳工死亡事件也在上升。In Kuwait, activists say worker suicides are common. In Qatar, activists say deaths among the migrant Nepali workforce are rising.