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那为了表示对妈祖的尊敬。To show their respect for Mazu.

等她把这些书都读完之后呢。So Mazu read one book after another.

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妈祖信仰也随华侨传至海外。Mazu belief has spread overseas with overseas Chinese.

如今附祀它庙的妈祖只是一种程式化供奉。The localization of Mazu belief was supported by Fujianese.

以此为基础,马祖禅强调的是在参禅的过程中自我个性的阐扬。On this basis, Mazu Zen stresses individuality in the process of Buddhism mediation.

我在妈祖庙求来的,这个非常有效的,可以永远保护你。I prayed this one from the Mazu Temple, it is very effective, it could protect you forever.

“千里眼”旁边的凉伞将军,是当妈祖巡游时,为妈祖挡风摭雨的守护神。Near thousand-mile Eye is Parasol Admiral, a tutelary god who protects Mazu from rain and wind.

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每逢夏日,众多参观妈祖庙的游客就近前往游泳及娱乐。Every summer, many tourists come here for swimming and entertainment after visiting Mazu Temple.

为了避免香客们千里迢迢来此朝拜而看不到妈祖金身的遗憾,在其背后,还供奉一尊镇殿妈祖。In order to avoid such regret, the Mazu that protects the hall is enshrined to accept people's respect.

根据宗教生态位观点,陈靖姑文化则更有可能使马祖的3s3g形象发出亮丽的光彩。From the opinion of religious niche, Chen Jinggu culture is likely to make the image of Mazu 3S3G brilliant.

在澳门,你还可以游览妈祖庙和圣。保罗大教堂遗址。People regard Macao as the Gambling City. in Macao, you can also visit Mazu Temple and the Ruins of St. Paul.

由此,解读马祖禅的精神实质与宋代审美文化的关系就成为可能。When Mazu Zen has become a kind of poetic spirit, it will have an effect on esthetic culture of a certain age.

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各位不妨在梳妆楼拜一下妈祖,妈祖会保佑男孩子越潇洒,女孩子更漂亮!You may worship Mazu in Dressing Tower, and Mazu will bless boys to be more handsome and girls to be more beautiful!

妈祖信仰的形成,与佛道二教影响分不开。It is well-known that in the formation of Mazu belief the influences from Buddhism and Daoism play an important role.

并以海洋妈祖信仰和伏季休渔制度为例,剖析其后所隐含的社会学本质。It takes the Mazu belief and the midsummer moratorium system as examples to reveal their implicit sociological essence.

在千年历史的传承和变异中,妈祖信仰文化的社会功能不断得以分化和演进。With thought years of heritage and aberrance, the social function of the Mazu belief culture evolutes and differentiates.

商人积极捐资修建妈祖庙,虔诚举行妈祖祭祀活动,成为上海妈祖信仰传播的主体。Businessmen built many Mazu temples and often offered sacrifices to Mazu. They were the main body of Shanghai Mazu belief.

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祖庙山门呈皇城阙状,这是因为妈祖被民间尊为天上圣母,是至高无上的女神。That of the Mazu Temple is an imperial watchtower, because Mazu is respected in folk as Saint Mother, the supreme goddess.

今年5月1日,湄洲妈祖祖庙董事会又赠送给金门县一尊妈祖巨型石雕神像。In May 1st this year the board of directors of Meizhou Mazu temple and presented to the Kinmen County a giant statue of mazu.

这种情感体现在村落人居环境上,形成了以“妈祖文化”为代表的文化景观。The emotion is reflected on the human habitat environment and has formed the cultural landscape represented by"Mazu Culture".