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泡泡龙,一个十分流行的弹珠游戏。Bubble Bobble, a very popular pinball game.

这个荒谬的税收叫做弹球税。This included taxes as ridiculous as the pinball tax.

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嗯,我,我的自定义弹球机,但我离题了。Well, I do, my custom pinball machine, but I digress.

弹球骑士是一个激烈的弹球游戏现在即将机器人。Pinball Ride is an intense pinball game now coming to Android.

有一天,弹子球的名声突然好起来了。Then, all of a sudden, pinball began to purify its besmirched image.

嘶嘶女士和她的阶级色彩和了解弹球机内轻。Ms. Fizzle and her class learn about colors and light inside a pinball machine.

我当时正在去米奇台球馆的路上,我要去那里炸掉几个冒着蒸汽的水球场和弹珠台。I was on my way to Mickey's Billiards to blow off some steam playing pool and pinball.

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这是一个弹球游戏与伟大的图形,支持1至4播放器,和一个名人堂。This is a pinball game with great graphics, support for 1 to 4 players, and a hall of fame.

世界上最有名的一对猫和老鼠来到了手机上一个有趣的弹球冒险游戏里。The world's most famous cat and mouse duo returns to mobile in a fun pinball adventure game.

尽管价格低廉,它依然有三个色彩各异的好看桌台可供选择。Despite the low price, it’s a fun pinball game with three colourful, good-looking tables to choose from.

他最初的资本来自卖苏打汽水、送报纸、安装弹球游戏机而攒下的积蓄。He started with all the money he had made from selling pop, delivering papers, and operating pinball machines.

乐团的一些音乐人演出后在那儿消磨时间,往弹球机里投币。A few musicians were hanging around after a gig at the Legion and were dropping nickels in the pinball machine.

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但是如果你一开始便没有计划,你就可能会像小球在弹球机里面乱蹦一样毫无头绪。But if you don't have a plan to start with, you'll run the risk of being bounced around like a ball in a pinball machine.

这个游戏由一个发射架,若干个弹板,众多的奖励撞击物组成。A host of bumpers, several controllable paddles , and various bonus objects make this pinball game a true gaming adventure.

弹子球水平提升的结果就是,我成了爱打游戏的孩子们眼中的明星。As a result of my improved play, I became something of a hero to the kids hanging out at Pinball Pete's and at the Red Baron.

玩游戏,获得特别奖。海洋祭是一个制造公司从日本三洋物产弹球,竞选网站。Play the games, get the special prizes. Marine Matsuri is the campaign site for a pinball making company Sanyo Bussan, from Japan.

本周末,什么在所有的概率是世界上最大的弹球显示发生在海湾地区的马林县文娱中心举行。This weekend, what is in all probability the world's largest pinball show takes place at the Bay Area's Marin County Civic Center.

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这是现代足球的前身“弹球”。拉出活塞和赚点来扔球!你可以自己一个人玩,一起来吧!This is the predecessor of the modern game "Pinball". Pull the plunger to throw balls and earn points! You can play alone and together!

公司主要生产儿童摇摆机,弹珠机,老鼠机苹果机,充气城堡等游艺机。The company mainly produces children's swing machine, pinball machine, mouse Mac machines, inflatable castles and other amusement machines.

1973年的弹子球中,占据大学一幢大楼的革命学生发现了一个古典音乐图书馆,开始每晚听唱片。In Pinball 1973 revolutionary students occupying a university building find a classical-music library and spend every evening listening to records.