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前列腺切除后小便失禁咋办?Incontinence after prostatectomy?

是荒淫无度,伤害了自己的身体?Did your incontinence ruin your body?

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可以为大便失禁的病人做些什麽?What can be done for Bowel Incontinence?

结果利川市成年女性尿失禁的总患病率为29。The incidence of female urinary incontinence was 29.

我将有失禁或阳萎的问题吗?Will I have problems with incontinence or impotence?

相关于是否有大便失禁的病史也应询问。Patients should be questioned about fecal incontinence.

大便失禁是一种无意识的肠道控制缺失。Fecal incontinence is the involuntary loss of bowel control.

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即瘫痪同时伴发大小便失禁。This means that urine and stool incontinence will accompany paralysis.

瘘管的内部破裂可能会引起终身的大小便失禁。Fistulas, the internal ruptures that can lead to lifelong incontinence.

并且治疗会导致阳痿和尿失禁。And it can lead to treatments that can cause impotence and incontinence.

在粪块嵌塞期间可发生腹泻,并常有大便失禁。Diarrhea may occur around the impaction and often with fecal incontinence.

不管怎样,未来几天里我可能会公布更多有关尿失禁的消息。Anyhow, perhaps I will be posting more on incontinence in the next few days.

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尿动力性应力尿失禁的风险是随著应力尿失禁症状的严重度而增加。The risk of USI increased with the severity of stress incontinence symptoms.

术后发生尿失禁、直肠损伤各3例。There were injured rectums and urinary incontinence in 3 cases, respectively.

目的探讨尿便失禁的术后功能训练方法。Objective To investigate the training methods of urine and feces incontinence.

罗森曼记得一位病人每天喝谁,尽管失禁的问题。Rosenman remembers one patient who drank daily, despite incontinence problems.

目的探讨有关中风后尿失禁的治疗方法。OBJECTIVE To explore the treatment methods for post-apoplexy urinary incontinence.

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雌激素的缺乏与尿失禁的发生有关。The lack of estrogens in spayed dogs has been linked to development of incontinence.

而这样的治疗有一些严重的副作用,包括性无能和不能节制。And treatment has serious side effects, including, often, impotence and incontinence.

尽管很少,但也有报告指出有关这一疗法引发的失禁以及阳痿案例。Though rare, there have been cases reported of incontinence and impotence with this procedure.