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甲、乙双方如有特殊约定将在下列另行规定。Other special terms will be listed bellow.

更详细的关于入侵者的解释,贝娄。More details about the intruders are explained bellow.

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她几乎是在喊,火车的轰鸣声越来越响了。She was yelling now, as the train's bellow grew louder.

有啊,我是2907房间贝娄夫人。我刚进房间。Yes , I'm Mrs. Bellow , Room 2907. I've Just checked in.

音乐的声音实在太大,我们只有彼此大声喊叫才能把话听清。The music is so loud we have to bellow at each other to be heard.

这根本不构成赤色分子们所说的美国式剥削。This did not constitute American exploitation, as the Reds bellow.

布朗指了指罗盘,阿尔科克发出一阵大笑。Brown pointed to the compass and Alcock let out a bellow of laughter.

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我的吼声使得附近的一些人们转过头来看我们。My bellow managed to turn the heads of several people in the vicinity.

我的吼叫让临近的几人回头望来。My bellow managed to turn the heads of several people in the vicinity.

海格惊恐地大吼一声,驾驶摩托车垂直降落。Hagrid let out a bellow of fear and steered the motorbike into a vertical dive.

阿尔塔芒上校的第一个行动是吆喝格雷迪,要他送一品脱白啤酒来。The first act of Colonel Altamont was to bellow to Grady for a pint of pale ale.

在这部作品中,贝娄分析了美国社会知识分子的境况。In this work Bellow explored the situation of the intellectual in American society.

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索尔*贝娄描绘了自己对伊利诺伊看似无边无际的玉米地的印象。Saul Bellow describes his impressions of the seemingly endless cornfields of Illinois.

巧儿一个云氏大挪移,只听到惨叫响彻天际。Qiao son a cloud surname greatly moves to move, hears bellow to resound through horizon.

大多数的保守派们并没有以咆哮的方式表达他们对报告的不同意见。Most conservatives did not so much signal their disagreement with the report as bellow it.

她的朋友索尔·贝娄在一封信中写到梦露“行如哲人”。Her friend Saul Bellow wrote in a letter that Marilyn “conducts herself like a philosopher.

靠窗站立的凤千代子听到这儿,不禁发出一声惨叫。The Feng that is stood by window thousand sons hear here, can not help sending out one to bellow.

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忍着疼痛巨龙愤怒地跃向空中,向群山中的龙穴飞去。With a bellow of pain and anger he leaped into the air and flew off to his cave in the mountains.

索尔·贝娄生于1915加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市郊拉辛镇,成长于美国芝加哥。Saul Bellow was born in Lachine, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal, in 1915, and was raised in Chicago.

夏天,雌雄鳄鱼都用低沉的吼叫吸引异性的注意。During the summer both male and female alligators bellow to catch the attention of the opposite sex.