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现在则有了“前传”。Now there is the "prequel".

不过,幸亏有前传三部曲,丘巴卡又回来了。Chewbacca nonetheless returned thanks to the prequel trilogy.

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火云邪神最传奇的一段人生历程,尽收录在前传之中。The prequel tells the most legendary story in Shibumi's life.

难以想像的恐怖的增长在这寒蝉前传的恐怖袭击,使者。Unimaginable terror grows in this chilling prequel to the horror hit, The Messengers.

火星威龙“这周上映是”博士杀人狂大闹火星的前传。Martian Body Count" opened this week! It's the prequel to "Doctor Decimator Atomizes Mars.

由朗劳麦仕维执导,勾划了三个勇士与三场关键性战役的感人事迹。Maxwell directs this epic prequel to his Gettysburg, framing the story with three bold men and three fateful battle.

跳转到冲突模式或从奥斯曼帝国手下保卫马耳他,这个运动模式是一个帝国时代3电脑游戏前传的延长。Jump into skirmish mode or defend Malta from the Ottoman Empire in an extended campaign mode which is a prequel to the Age of Empires 3 PC game.

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正因为他们运用原力保卫银河系的和平与正义,前传三部曲的每一位绝地都不同程度地受到观众喜爱。Just by virtue of being Force-wielding guardians of peace and justice, every Jedi character in the prequel trilogy has a fan following of some sort.

周刊报导,芮德利史考特将再拍当年由他开拍的「异形」系列电影。他已经签约,将执导「异形」首部曲的前传。Variety has reported that Ridley Scott is returning to the Alien franchise he helped kick off by signing on to direct the prequel to the first film.

跳进前哨战模式或保卫西欧,从入侵奥斯曼帝国延长运动模式是一个玩家的帝国游戏。Jump into skirmish mode or defend Western Europe from the invading Ottoman Empire in an extended campaign mode which is a prequel to the AoE3 PC game.

前三部曲中的面具经重新设计,在球形玻璃镜片上打了眼孔,给穿戴的临时演员提供了更好的视野。The masks were redesigned for the prequel trilogy, with eye-holes bored into the glassy ocular orbs providing greater visibility for the extras playing Bith.

这部来自二十世纪福克斯电影公司的佳作描述了猿族的反叛经历,“进化即变革”依然是这部电影的核心理念。Or perhaps it's a prequel to the prequel? At the film's climax there was clearly still more "evolution is revolution" to come from 20th Century Fox's simian uprising franchise.

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英国一位业余演员非常热爱这个题材,她倾尽毕生的积蓄拍摄出了皮特·杰克逊魔戒三部曲的前传——这部前传已经有了五十万次的浏览量。One amateur actress in the UK has been so inspired, she has sunk her life savings into making a prequel to Sir Peter Jackson’s film trilogy – and it's already had 500, 000 views online.

罗迪亚人和罗迪亚星在1989年衍生宇宙角色扮演游戏资料书中首次出现,这个名字沿用下来,一直到它进入前传三部曲的制作。Though the terms Rodian and Rodia were first developed for the Expanded Universe in a roleplaying sourcebook in 1989, the name stuck, and saw its way into production for the prequel trilogy.

克隆人战争在以前的星球大战电影中被提到两次,保留了一个让人迫不及待想知道答案的迷题,一个目前为止仍被隐藏得很好的前传三部曲。Mentioned twice in passing in the original Star Wars movie, the Clone Wars have remained a tantalizing enigma, an element of the prequel trilogy that, until now, has remained tightly under wraps.

当然,豪华版除了这些额外增页,还有贯穿全书的前传服装大展示,全部服装都由比格本人配以空前细致而见解深刻的解说。Of course, beyond the extras of the deluxe edition are scores of prequel costumes exhibited throughout the book, all showcased with unprecedented detail and insightful commentary by Biggar herself.