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法国的解剖学家,他发现了胸导管。French anatomist who discovered the thoracic duct.

英国的动物学家和比较解剖学家,反对达尔文的进化论。English zoologist and comparative anatomist who opposed Darwin's evolution theory.

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丹麦内科医生、解剖学家。他指出紫外光能杀菌。Danish physician and anatomist who showed that ultraviolet light could kill bacteria.

由此诱发的科学思想,更将人类变成骄傲的大自然解剖师。The inducted scientific thought made the human become an arrogant nature "anatomist".

在17世纪,一个医生,也精于解剖,他谈到了“一种通常从外生殖器里涌出的液体”。In the 17th century, the Dutch physician and anatomist Regnier De Graaf spoke of "liquid as usually comes from the pudenda in one gush".

斯科特·辛普森是俄亥俄州凯斯西储大学的一位解剖学家。他评价该研究用了一个“非常优美而构思精致的实验。”Scott Simpson, an anatomist at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, said the study used a "very elegant and well-designed experiment."

2004年,一对大王鱿从新西兰送到了中国大连的一家生物塑化机构,等待解剖学家冈瑟·冯·哈根斯做保存手术。In 2004, a pair of Architeuthis dux were sent from New Zealand to a plastination facility in Dalian, China, to be preserved by anatomist Gunther von Hagens.

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意大利解剖学家马切洛•马尔皮基用早期显微镜观察毛细管系统,毛细血管是极细微的血管,连于动、静脉之间,互相连接成网状。Using a rudimentary microscope, Italian anatomist Marcello Malpighi observes the capillary system, the network of fine vessels that connect the arteries and the veins.

纽约石溪大学的解剖学家苏珊-拉尔森说,大约200万年前,即使早期人类都离开了树木,下到地面,肩膀的结构问题,都还没有得到完全的解决。Anatomist Susan Larson of Stony Brook University in New York says even after early humans left the trees altogether — a little over 2 million years ago — the shoulder wasn't settled.

社会剖析派是中国现实主义文学思潮中出现的一个重要文学流派,在当时及其以后都产生了巨大影响。Social anatomist school is one of the most important literary in the history of Chinese realistic literature, which has exerted great influence on Chinese literature ever since its birth.