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萨林2007年当选为社民党主席。Sahlin was elected SPD chairman in 2007.

2009年大选中虽然社民党落败为在野党,选民却依旧支持默克尔。The SPD was ejected in 2009, but voters chose to keep Mrs Merkel on.

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保存为这种格式的软件包压缩成一个.spd文件。A software package saved in this format is the zipped format of an .spd file.

发展和管理代理商,建立一个防雷产品的代理商体系。Identify and manage distributors, and set up a SPD and LPS distributor system.

浦发银行是一家发展迅猛,经营业绩突出的股份制商业银行。SPD Bank is a stock commercial bank with outstanding performance and fast going development.

这样既方便做到又能保证SPD有足够的通流累积能量热效应。This method is convenient and can ensure enough accumulated thermal effect of discharge energy of SPD.

串混型SPD是铁路信号系统过电压防护的新用法。The series mixed SPD is a new method of using for the railroad signal system of over voltage protection.

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二战后,不管是作为基民盟还是社民党的执政小伙伴,自民党几乎每届都参与联盟执政。The FDP was once part of almost every post-war government, as junior partner of either the CDU or the SPD.

允许用户闪存社民党数据板载闪存芯片取代社民党闪存芯片的内存模块。Allow users to flash SPD data on the onboard flash chip instead of the SPD flash chip on the memory modules.

尤其是,在施罗德下台后,德国社民党和德国主流政治走的仍是施罗德的改革道路。The SPD and the mainstream political powers will continue the reform sparked by Schroeder even after his abdication.

他说社民党现在将组成一个“强有力的反对党”,尤其致力于核电厂的逐步淘汰。He said the SPD would now form a "strong opposition", in particular fighting to keep the nuclear power plant phase-out.

更糟糕的是,默克尔的主要政敌---社民党领导人施泰因迈尔是该国的外交部长。It does not help that Frank-Walter Steinmeier, an SPD leader and her main political rival, is also the foreign minister.

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默克尔的这些举动可以拉拢绿党,而绿党可能会在将来取代社民党成为与基民党的新结盟伙伴。Such stances help to make Ms Merkel appealing to the Greens, who could yet be an alternative to the SPD as a coalition partner.

采用粘合剂BPD及柔软剂SPD能使产品各项色牢度达到国家标准。特别是手感柔软性取得了较佳的效果。The State std. for colour fastness was satisfied and excellent soft-hand obtained by the use of Adhesive BPD plus Softener SPD.

从冗余性以及查找效率等方面考虑设计出了一个相对完整的SPD系统,可以方便地进行查找、删除、添加、修改等操作。From the aspect of redundancy and efficiency, we design a relatively integrallty SPD system to which we can add, delete and edit SPD entry.

接受失败的同时,他也说社会民主党现在开始要建立“强大的反对党”,尤其要继续坚持淘汰核电站。Accepting defeat, he said the SPD would now form a "strong opposition", in particular fighting to keep the nuclear power plant phase-out in place.

直到自由民主党改变主意并暗示他们可能加入社会民主党和绿党,组成德国第一州层面的“红绿灯联盟”。That was until the FDP changed its mind and signalled it might join the SPD and the Greens in Germany’s first state-level “traffic-light coalition”.

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或许是正意识到这一点,本周社民党提出了一个“环境友好型工业生产硅谷”——另一项出口振新计划。Realising this, perhaps, the SPD this week proposed a “Silicon Valley of environmentally friendly industrial production”—another export-boosting plan.

许多夹板将与社民党禧玛诺踏板,但我喜欢用夹板相匹配的踏板附带的脚踏板,从同一制造商。Many cleats will work with the Shimano SPD pedals but I like to use the cleats that match the pedals that came with the pedals from the same manufacturer.

如果社会民主党驱使其左翼党回到他们的东部据点,或者同意与其在国家层面上合作,一些混乱将会被整理。Some of the mess will be sorted out if and when the SPD drives the Left Party back to its eastern stronghold, or consents to work with it at national level.