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我这么做只是随大流。I just do it to conform.

我们需要遵循现实。And we need to conform to it.

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她的观点与我的不一致。Her ideas do not conform ine.

论文格式需符合MLA标准。Essays must conform to MLA standards.

质量必须与货样相符。The quality must conform to the sample.

符合大众对外貌的审美标准Conform to society’s standard of beauty.

你们的电热毯达到英国的3456标准了吗?Does your electric blanket conform to BS 3456?

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针型,以符合病人的解剖结构。Shapable stylet to conform to the patient's anatomy.

库房材料全部达到账、物、卡相符合。All materials should conform to the account and cards.

我们将如何部署符合这个模型的服务?How can we deploy services that conform to this model?

他们迫害那些不符合他们意见的人。They persecute those who do not conform to their ideas.

过量喷漆需符合规定的粘合测试。Overspray shall conform to the specified adhesion tests.

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乙方应当切实遵守营销中心的各项项规章制度。Party B shall conform to bylaws of the Marketing Center.

正在读进的输入可能会不符合规则。The input being read may not conform to the specifications.

它应该是符合大自然的,也必须是美的。Therefore, it should conform to the nature and be esthetical.

正东实业产品可否达到环保标准?Do the products conform to environmental protection standards?

电磁理论不遵守伽利略相对性。Electromagnetic theory does not conform to Galilean relativity.

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⊙、我曾想成为一个问题少年,我却循规蹈矩的活了这么多年。I wanted to be a problem, but I conform to live for so many years.

我们通常不能在大自然的规律中找到符合逻辑的理由.The laws of nature often don’t see any reason to conform to logic.

所有在电视广告中出现的“花容月貌”的靓女都符合这个标准。All beautiful women in television commercials conform to this norm.