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请按体例修改这份手稿。Please style this manuscript.

我从来没听说过手稿箱。I’d never heard of manuscript boxes.

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手稿已残缺不全。The manuscript is no longer complete.

他摔下我的手稿就走了。He slatted my manuscript and went out.

他很快地把手稿送交给印刷工人。He raced the manuscript to the printers.

昨天,我读了一篇小说手稿。Yesterday, I read a novel in manuscript.

编辑们为这篇底稿进行了润色。The editors have polished the manuscript.

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请把稿件抄一下。Please make a fair copy of the manuscript.

编辑已审阅过这篇稿件。The editor had read through the manuscript.

我必须把这篇文章底稿退还给作者。I must return this manuscript to the author.

它们最初都只是抄写的手稿。Their first form was very often a manuscript.

你能校阅一下这份手稿吗?Would you please blue-pencil this manuscript?

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手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑。The facticity of manuscript is indubitability.

这份手稿可追溯到8世纪。This manuscript dates back to the 8th century.

新编辑把她的原稿批得一无是处。The new editor picked her manuscript to pieces.

这个手稿是不公开发行。This manuscript is not for public distribution.

原稿将于下月初付印。The manuscript will go to press early next month.

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我在不列颠博物馆里找来找去终于找到了那份原稿。I hunted down the manuscript in the British Museum.

甘芳的青年时代的简篇要掩闭!That Youth's sweet-scented manuscript should close!

手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑的。The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt.