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艾西斯有点像阿尔忒弥斯。But Isis is sort of like Artemis.

除了穆斯林没人会帮助IS。Removing muslims does not help ISIS.

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我和伊西斯在五月里的第五天结婚了。I married Isis on the fifth day of May.

土耳其靠他们的石油赚钱。The Turks are making money out of ISIS oil.

二是东方和西方伊希斯的守卫。Two are the Guards of East and West of Isis.

他是神的力量,作为他的女神伊西丝力量。He is a God Force with Isis as his Goddess Force.

在古埃及,伊西斯和奥西里斯统治的土地。In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land.

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Isis可用于Discover的金融服务网络。Isis works with Discover's Financial Services network.

王后的形象逐渐的与伊西斯女神同一。The image of the queen gradually same to the goddess Isis.

然后我骑上马去找伊西斯,只是跟她说我爱她。Then I rode back to find Isis just to tell her I love her.

将艾西斯女神与某个希腊女神联系起来。He would identify the goddess Isis with some Greek goddess.

安卡拉就是ISIS的总部,这个事实人们已经知道很长一段时间了。Ankara is the ISIS headquarters. Been known for a long time.

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阿桑奇先生,请找到希拉里跟ISIS合影的电子邮件。Mr. Assange, please find an email of Hillary posing with ISIS.

嗯,把我引上伊西斯神殿的那些诺言曾经是多么冠冕堂皇呀!Oh, glorious were the promises which led me to the shrine of Isis.

哦,我知道了,巴基斯坦可能成为ISIS的多米诺骨牌。Oh, I know, Pakistan may become a domino for the ISIS. Well, tough.

这座神庙是为了两千年以前的一位叫做伊希斯的女神而建的。This temple was built in honor of the goddess Isis over 2,000 years ago.

在埃及神话中,女神伊希斯是世界之母。In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Isis was the universal mother goddess.

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这幅浮雕展示了克利奥帕特拉和伊希斯的关系。And this relief shows the connection and the relation between Cleopatra and Isis.

伊希斯发誓要报复奥西里斯的死亡和返回他统治所有的世界。Isis vowed to avenge Osiris' death and return with him to rule over all the worlds.

把军队送到伊拉克去打击ISIS,或者派军队到阿富汗打击塔利班。Send them to fight the ISIS in Iraq, or send themto Afghanistan to fight the Talibans.