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让你的内心开始倾诉,哪怕它将失声痛哭,这就是爱的风险和代价。Let your heart sing as it will cry, for that is the riskiness of love.

市场与监管者都利用评级来确定一项资产的风险水平。The markets and regulators use ratings to determine the riskiness of an asset.

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就算剔除有风险的银行股,仍有40支高收益股。Eliminate the banks on the ground of riskiness and that still leaves 40 high-yielding stocks.

为了解决这个问题,我们归于一风险的措施,并不取决于观察公司的现金流。To address this issue we impute a riskiness measure that does not depend on observed corporate cash flow.

家庭部门资产和负债规模在最近几年中的扩展已经使银行按揭资产的风险度上升。The expansion of household sector balance sheets over recent years has led to an increase in the riskiness of banks' mortgage portfolios.

债券市场的抛售行为会在投资者失去风险投资信心之后带来更严重的后果。The bond market selloff was further exacerbated after investors lost faith in rating agencies which made determinations about the riskiness of each issue.

就我判断,这种以风险评估为基础的收费的变化区间将非常窄,而且其对每个银行的风险评估也并不够深入彻底。But, as far as I can judge, the risk-assessed premiums vary within a very narrow band and are not based on an in-depth assessment of the individual bank’s riskiness.

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在一篇即将发表的论文中,他们证明了,这些投资组合的风险与受试者在之前游戏中的表现高度相关。In a paper that has yet to be published, they demonstrate that the riskiness of these portfolios, too, was strongly correlated with subjects’ responses in the lottery game.

但McAfee公司同时也指出,由于个别域名拥有者可能来自世界上的任何地方,所以他们的数据“不能用来比较国别间的域名危险差异”。But McAfee also notes that since individual domain names may be owned by persons from anywhere in the world, their data “should not be used to infer riskiness of nationality.”

这样的机构或许能提醒消费者某种金融产品的风险,但如果没有一定的调查权和检察权,效果或许有限.Such an agency could warn consumers of the riskiness of a financial product. But without some sort of investigative and prosecutorial power, its effectiveness might be limited.

银行业监管机构评估一家银行的资本金是否足以应对其贷款、投资和其他资产的损失时会考虑这些资产的风险水平。When bank regulators assess the adequacy of a bank's capital to handle losses from its loans, investments, and other assets, they take into account the riskiness of those assets.

但对于对比项目,找出对何处进行深入分析最有益,理解项目风险以及做出项目决策来说,这通常足够精确了。But it is often accurate enough to compare projects, highlight where further analysis will be the most beneficial, understand the riskiness of the project and make decisions about projects.

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如果这些是客观层面,那么投资者还需要分析摩根大通贷款帐目面临的风险,并猜测如果经济状况继续恶化,该行的资产冲销是否会吞掉准备金。If that is the science, the art is in looking at the riskiness of J. P. Morgan's loan books and guessing whether charge-offs could yet swamp the provisions if economic conditions get much worse.