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她工作很有条理。She is a methodical worker.

他做事有条不紊,每件事情都是按规则做的。He is very methodical in His work, doing everything by rule.

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怎么行动,怎么表现,如何存档相关文件和制定战略,都得有方法。Be methodical in how you behave, perform, document and strategize.

他决定要暸解整个训练流程并有条不紊地进行。He was determined to be informed and methodical about the process.

许多公司用这一有序的方法已经取得了一些成功。Many companies have had some success with this methodical approach.

很多人认为编程是件精确、讲究方法的事,这是很奇怪的。It's odd that people think of programming as precise and methodical.

瞧,小教练训练同学还有板有眼呢!Look! The little coach is very methodical at training the classmates.

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他是有系统地在关注每一个事情——归根到底,他是一个完美主义者。He was methodical and careful about everything —a perfectionist to the end.

金牛座一旦饥渴,可以有条理地得到满足。Taurus has hungers and can be quite methodical in the satisfaction thereof.

例如,很少系统的使用原型、建模、或者方针。For instance, methodical use of prototyping, modeling, or simulation is rare.

许多人指出德国人和英国人做事有条不紊且组织严谨。Many people have noted that the Germans and English are both methodical and well-organized.

该协议形成了一个负责任的、系统的方法一确保的信息安全。This agreement sets the stage for a responsible, methodical approach to information security.

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希尔顿先生放开阿瑟,又抓住赫伯特,同样一本正经地恶狠狠地摇晃他。Mr. Helton dropped Arthur, and seized Herbert , and shook him with the same methodical ferocity.

目击了这一惨案的兵士事后说,凶手的射击连续,有序而且准确。Soldiers who witnessed the rampage described the gunfire as continuous, methodical and well aimed.

钟表那有规律的滴答声,成就了科学的头脑,科学的人。The clock’s methodical ticking helped bring into being the scientific mind and the scientific man.

现年50岁的库克是一位船厂工人的儿子。在加入苹果前,库克在工作上也是个有条不紊的人。The 50-year-old son of a shipyard worker, Mr Cook was methodical in his labours before joining Apple.

因此,对安多藏语语音信号的研究是藏文信息处理的一个重要阶段。On the one hand, according to the way of speech signal processing, Ando-Tibetan is methodical studied.

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你可以看到,有条不紊的回溯可以引导你去建立一套树型计算方法。As you see, working backwards in a methodical way can lead you to a set of straightforward calculations.

文章著作比起时事通讯更有条理,但时事通讯更为自由,话题也更为广泛和贴近当前的生活。Books are more methodical than newsletters , but newsletters are free and can cover more up-to-date topics.

警犬、直升机、大批警察四处寻找,没有得到任何线索。Methodical searches with bloodhounds , helicopters, and phalanxes of police have failed to turn up any clues.