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我为她唱了一首催眠曲。I sang her a lullaby.

我给你唱催眠曲。I'll sing you a lullaby.

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路易斯叔叔的摇篮曲。Uncle Satchmo's lullaby.

颓废倘若是催眠曲。If it is decadent lullaby.

星级会唱催眠曲。Stars will sing a lullaby.

群星会唱起摇篮曲。Stars will sing a lullaby.

也许我记得催眠曲。Maybe I remember the lullaby.

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让雨为你唱一首摇篮曲Let the rain sing you a lullaby

向她道声晚安唱曲摇篮歌。Singing her goodbye and lullaby.

妈妈给孩子唱了一支催眠曲。The mother sang her baby a lullaby.

就在路易斯叔叔唱起他的摇篮曲时。When Uncle Satchmo sings his lullaby.

母亲正对婴儿哼着摇篮曲。The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby.

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母亲正对着婴儿哼着摇篮曲。The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby.

多希望这一次,它将仍然是一首摇篮曲。Hoping that this time it will remain a lullaby.

回到原点,萍聚,我去了医院。Beautiful lullaby Ihave gone to the hospital alone.

她唱着他曾听到的最悲哀的催眠曲。She was singing the saddest lullaby he had ever heard.

催眠曲一下子就把婴儿送入了睡乡。The lullaby had the baby into the land of Nod in no time.

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听着催眠曲,宝宝很快就入睡了。The baby fell asleep quickly while listening to the lullaby.

为你唱一曲摇篮曲,阖上你的眼睛,我爱,再见,再见。Here's a lullaby to close your eyes, oh my, good by, good bye.

我把灯一直开着,那晚摇篮曲就再没响过。I kept the light on and I didn't hear the lullaby again that night.