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8比特,即1个字节。So 8 bits, aka 1 byte.

这就是我们所说的一个字节。So this is what we know as a byte.

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请大家注意这个关键词“字节“Now the byte is the key word there.

一个char型数据占据1字节或8比特。So a char size is 1 byte or 8 bits.

无符号8位整数。注意整数和整型int不一样。BYTE An 8-bit integer that is not signed.

另外一个低效率的地方是字节拷贝。The other inefficiency is in byte copying.

每个主存位置的长度都是一个字节。Every main memory location is one byte long.

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所有的计算机都基于八位字节。All computers are based on the eight-bit byte.

计算机存储器的基本单位是字节。The basic unit of computer memory is the byte.

将哈希后的字节数组编码成十六进制字符。Encode the hashed byte array into hex characters.

一个字节表示的0用来标志SBCS字符串的结束。A single zero byte marks the end of a SBCS string.

为此,我需要一个字节的志愿者,谁来?And for that I need a byte of volunteers, alright?

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每个编号都是相应字节的地址。Each number is the address of the corresponding byte.

第一个技巧是将对象转变为一个字节数组。The first trick is to turn an object into a byte array.

接下来是字节“B”,仍然原封未动,故而照原样解码。The next byte B, is literal also, so it is decoded as is.

这个映射覆盖了整个文件。This map covers the file from the first byte until the end.

最后一个字节点亮并锁存所有奇数LED。The last byte illuminates and latches all odd-numbered LEDs.

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此程序以字节方式对IIC器件进行读写。This procedure in byte pairs IIC device reading and writing.

将字串或位元组阵列转换为编码的位元组阵列。Converts a string or a byte array into an encoded array of bytes.

在串并转换接收器中,并行数据在字节时钟的作用下并行输出。In the deserializer, parallel data are clocked out by byte clock.