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因为他不欠任何人的帐。For rhe owes not any man.

你可以改变世界!You can change rhe world!

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微笑使这个地球变得更好。Smile makes rhe earth better.

你看到天堂里漂浮的流云。Where rhe tides of heaven flow.

这就是向黎明致敬!Such is the salutation of rhe dawn!

生活中,好事和坏事都得面对。You have to take rhe good with the bad.

他是否会来还是个问题。Whether rhe will come is still a question.

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不管他同意与否,我都要那样做。Whether rhe agrees or not, I shall do that.

他会不会赢得这场比赛,我猜不出来。Whether rhe will win the game, I can't guess.

第二天上午将举行国丧。The national mourning will be put on rhe next morning.

他有时会像一个印度橡皮球一样一会一个高度。For rhe sometimes shoots up taller like an India rubber ball.

如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去星星了。If you shed tears when you miss rhe sun, you also miss the stars.

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于是这个家庭一夜间破产了,悲伤笼罩在每个人的头上。So rhe family became very poor suddenly, and all of them were sad.

电影开影时,画面和音效似乎就要把你吞下去。When rhe show begins, the pictures and sounds seem to swallow you up.

我正在谈到的这部电影下星期在人民电影院上映。The film of which I'm speaking is to be shown at rhe People's Cinema next week.

年轻人追求的就是个性,喜欢与众不同,买东西也希望独一无二。The youths persue personality, and like not the common things , and buy rhe unique ones.

你真正的朋友会与你一同渡过困难,伤心和烦恼的时刻。Your true friend gets you through rhe hard times , the sad times , and the confused times.

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你也许会忘记和你同欢笑的人,但你永不会忘记和你同哭泣的人。You may forget rhe one with whom you have laughed, but never the one with whom you have wept.

一些政治上别有用心的文人墨客不失时机地对该书断章取义,而父亲并不为之所扰。The politically motivated writers lost no time in tearing rhe book apart, but father was not bothered.

在莱茵集团,技术进步总是与安全和环境保护密不可分的。At TÜV Rhe inland, technical progress always goes hand in hand with safety and environmental protection.