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噢,我太爱一心多用了。Oh, how I love multitasking.

我经常告诉高管们停止多任务。I often tell executives to stop multitasking.

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要为多线程任务处理优化你的程序。Optimize your design for the reality of multitasking.

这好像就是他们多任务的生活的范围。This, it seems, was the extent of their multitasking.

你知道夏天多任务的解毒剂是什么吗?You know what the summer antidote to multitasking is?

单击一个多任务软键就能显示所有打开的应用程序。Multitasking soft key displays all opened apps in one tap.

但科学显示我们所知的一心多用只是个神话。But science suggests that multitasking as we know it is a myth.

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如果匆忙是加速器的踏板,一心多用就是超速档。And if haste is the accelerator pedal, multitasking is overdrive.

事实上,他们还不如那些一般的多任务处理者。In fact, the heavy multitaskers weren't even good at multitasking.

同时处理多任务可以空出30-60分钟的时间,可以在当天迟些时候使用。Multitasking frees 30-60 minutes of time to be used later in the day.

这是由分时多任务处理的量子化特性决定的。This is a result of the quantized nature of time-shared multitasking.

多任务只不过在一个时刻三心两意地做几件事。Multitasking is merely doing a bunch of things half-heartedly all at once.

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事实上,一心多用会让你不论做什么都做得更差。Actually, multitasking can make you perform worse in whatever you're doing.

有一整套的技术专门用来促进一心多用。An entire class of technologies is dedicated to the furtherance of multitasking.

Gersh女士表示,女性比男性更容易合作,并且更擅长多任务型工作。They are more collaborative than men, says Ms Gersh, and better at multitasking.

随着后来多任务操作系统的发展,“老板键”的使用也渐渐淡出。The use has faded somewhat as modern multitasking operating systems have evolved.

如果你认为一心多用就是“注意力的艺术”时,这就说得过去。This makes sense if you consider multitasking to be "the art of paying attention.

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如果你认为一心多用就是“注意力的艺术”时,这就说得过去。This makes sense if you consider multitasking to be "the art of paying attention."

多管齐下的方法会让你三心二意,失去重点,进而浪费了宝贵的时间。Multitasking simply causes you to jump around, lose focus, and waste precious time.

嘉尼•海基宁认为,N900的多任务处理能力会运行得特别好。Heikkinen believes the N900’s multitasking capabilities will go down especially well.