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挥金如土的人会说,‘我要削减开支。’The spender will say, 'I'll cut back.'

一个人是花钱狂而另一个人存钱吗?Is one person a spender while the other saves?

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但是,他手脚很大,从来没有攒过一分钱。But he is a big spender and has never saved a penny.

历史是运载着活生生的回忆,驶向未来的船。――斯蒂芬·斯彭德。History is the ship carrying memories to the future. —S. Spender.

这一步很难做到,特别是如果你已是一个长期冲动消费者的情况下。This can be hard to do especially if you are a long time impulse spender.

实际上所导致的却是世界上最大支出者衰弱期的延长了.But the die is cast for a protracted weakening of the world's biggest spender.

我想把印度也加到明智的花钱者中,吝啬但他们是最好的。I may want to add India another wise- spender , tightwad but they opt for the best.

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他自己一直克勤克俭,乔治则一直是又懒惰,又会花钱。He himself had always been a worker and a saver, George always a drone and a spender.

这个演员虽然收入不菲,但是挥金如土,积蓄甚少。Despite a large income, the actor had saved very little because he is profuse spender.

但是当斯彭德指出作业是一位男生做的以后,语气就明显地改变了。But when Spender indicated that the work came from a boy, the tune changed dramatically.

中国的大富豪住房行业也主要集中在房地产领域的异常。China's Big Spender shelter industry is also concentrated in the real estate area of abnormality.

当一家公司的资产较多,同时,资本支出较大的时候,我就会关注这方面的机会。I pay special attention to this when the company in question is an asset-heavy, big-capital spender.

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因其经历了糟糕的夜生活而失去一个挥金如土的熟客,这种情况是酒吧经理们都努力避免的商业风险。Losing a repeat big spender because he had a bad night is abusiness risk that managers hope to avoid.

我想让这些家伙带我购物的部分原因是我想给他们看看我很能花钱。Part of the reason I wanted these guys to take me shopping was to show them what a big spender I was.

我的父亲,为了他收入不高的工作保留和放弃很多,这样做的根本就是他是一个巨大的挥霍者。For my father, who saved or gave away so much of his modest income, the ultimate pejorative was "big spender."

国际能源总署预测说,到2025年,中国会超过美国成为进口石油和天然气花钱最多的国家。By 2025, the IEA forecasts, China will pass the United States to become the world's biggest spender on imported oil and natural gas.

此外,近几个月,BAE系统公司已开始一项计划,向新生的重要军品消费国——印度实施相同战略。Furthermore, in recent months BAE Systems has commenced a project to do the same in India as the country emerges as a key military spender.

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消费者已经触顶,因此,现在政府已接管了永久的债务机,因为它们是唯一的大债务豪客在城里留下。The Consumer is tapped out, so now the Government has taken over the perpetual debt machine, as they are the only big debt spender left in town.

在牛津时,作为一个诗人,他的早熟很快就显现出来了,他与两位伙伴作家史蒂芬·斯彭德和克里斯托弗建立了一生友谊。At Oxford his precocity as a poet was immediately apparent, and he formed lifelong friendships with two fellow writers, Stephen Spender and Christopher Isherwood.

当奥巴马总统于周六首次访问中国时,在许多方面他将以大手大脚花钱者的身份对中国放贷人致敬。When President Obama visits China for the first time on Sunday, he will, in many ways, be assuming the role of profligate spender coming to pay his respects to his banker.