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所以根本没有破坏者你瞎编的?So there wasn't a saboteur at all. You made that up?

现在的我像是个叛徒,破坏了几百年来取得的进步。Now I feel like a traitor, a saboteur to hundreds of years of progress.

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放一个诡雷在上面以防万一您得敌人试图占据它。Place a Saboteur bomb on it in case your enemy tries to recapture the spike.

破坏者总是把她的选择强加到你的身上。The saboteur tries to validate her choices by making you behave as she does.

放一个诡雷在上面,以防万一你的对手占领矿柱也是个不错的主意。Placing a Saboteur bomb on it in case he tries to recapture the spike is also a good idea.

这位年轻的飞行员在船坞对起义军破坏者卢克·天行者一见倾心。This young pilot met Rebel saboteur Luke Skywalker at the yards and was instantly smitten.

那些盼望着能迎接黎明的人,还是有希望的。Besides computer screens, the biggest saboteur for an aspiring morning person is the weekend.

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如果情况真的如此,那这次破坏活动取得了令人难以置信的成功。Well, if that is the case, the saboteur has been incredibly successful. Amid the recriminations, Mr.

我们现在也有破坏者的电影,奸细会破坏敌人据点的建筑。We now also have saboteur movies, where the agents can attempt to destroy an enemy's building in a settlement.

一年后,另一个破坏者关闭了整个全国证券协会的自动报价系统。A year later, another saboteur shut down the entire National Association of Securities' automated quotation system.

一旦你卖了基地车,把得到的民兵小队和破坏者派到最近的矿柱占领它。Once you sell your MCV, take the Militia Squad and Saboteur to the nearest Tiberium Spike and attempt to capture it.

警方表示,嫌疑犯熟悉油厂事务,而且能打开阀门,让好几百万吨的石油哗啦啦的流走。Police say the saboteur must have had a working familiarity with the refinery to be able to open the tank's main valve and send tons of oil pouring out.

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格兰瑟姆的研究显示,在即将到来的后资本主义美国时代,女性领导者将自然而然地脱颍而出。其中一项原因是,男性的大脑构造决定了他们是短视的破坏者。In the coming post-capitalism America, Grantham's research suggests that women leaders will naturally emerge not just because the male brain is a short-term saboteur.