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百万吨级是一个用于描述一百万吨TNT炸药的术语。A megaton is a term used to describe one million tons of TNT.

一个典型飓风产生的能量相当于8000个百万吨吸炸弹。A typical hurricane produces the energy equivalent of 8, 000 one megaton bombs

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一个典型飓火产生的能量相当于8000个百万吨吸炸弹。A typical hurricane produces the energy equivalent of 8, 000 one megaton bombs.

我们涌进电影院、俱乐部,吃下数以百万吨计优劣无法鉴别的汉堡和即食饭。We crowd into cinemas and clubs, and eat unidentifiable burgers and ready-meals by the megaton 14.

百万吨级乙烯、千万吨级炼油、新一代大推力运载火箭产业化基地、国家动漫产业综合示范园等一大批高水平项目正在全力推进。Rapid progress is made in a large number of top-level projects, such as Megaton Ethylene Project, Ten-Million-Ton Oil Refinery, etc.

顷刻间,那孤傲而又翠绿的中国最著名的熊猫保护区就像被万兆重的炸药袭击了一样被打破了。And then, within minutes, the isolated, verdant mountains above China's most famous panda reserve exploded as if hit by a megaton bomb.

无数的大块彗星碎片雨点般落到地球上,每一个大块碎片的撞击都释放了一个百万吨级核弹所释放的能量。Thousands of chunks of material from the comet would have rained down on Earth, each one releasing the energy of a one megaton nuclear bomb.

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在一个像辐射3那样的作品里,如果你尝试和兆吨镇里的所有人说话,他们会以一种看穿了好几年拘束衣的怪人一样的眼神看着你。In a game like Fallout 3, if you try and speak to everyone in Megaton they'll look at you like you're some oddball who's been locked away for years in blue pyjamas.

这种“地堡杀手“由B52轰炸机携带,利用5个降落伞软着陆于目标上,然后引起9百万吨爆炸,就像一场地震。Carried by B-52 bombers, the "bunker busters" used five parachutes to land softly on their targets before detonating a nine megaton explosion, in effect simulating an earthquake.

它被认为是指挥官的“背包”,包含稀有、外来的设备,以使用这种武器,因为这些单位的毁灭是百万吨级的爆炸。It is thought the 'backpacks' on the Commanders contain rare and exotic equipment needed to use this weapon, accounting for the megaton explosion on the destruction of these units.