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我不太疲倦。I'm not overly tired.

你过分固执己见了。You're overly opinionated.

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不敢当,你太过奖了。You're being overly humble.

戴伯拉是一个过分小心的司机。Debra is an overly careful driver.

我不想高度概括此事。So I don’t want to overly generalize it.

过度详细的数据源到目标的映射。Overly detailed source-to-target mappings.

但是你应该避免给人感觉太自负。But you should avoid sounding overly boastful.

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要友善,但不要过度随便或套近乎。Be friendly, but not overly casual or familiar.

情绪过分高涨,过度愉快,有欣快感Excessively “high, ” overly good, euphoric mood

什么时候你就知道自己过酸了呢?When does one know one has gone overly acidic ?

但是,我们也不能过度乐观。However, we should not become overly optimistic.

他们倾向于过分严厉、宽大还是公平?Do they tend to be overly harsh, lenient or fair?

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父母对小孩控制过严,保护过度。Parents may be controlling and overly protective.

这在本社看来似乎有些过度保守了。That seems overly conservative, to this newspaper.

你对自己工作很上心,这…You're getting overly worked up about this, Ryden.

过分长或位置太高的耳朵属于缺陷。An overly long or high-set ear should be penalized.

警惕那些有着过于强烈信念的人。Be wary of those who have overly strong convictions.

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分析家和投资商对此似乎并不过于担心。Analysts and investors did not appear overly worried.

若其来量过大,就会造成巨大的灾害。If flood is overly great, it would set off huge harm.

过长时间的热身再加上惩罚式的跑步。Overly long warm-ups coupled with runs for punishment.