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树叶正处于最茂盛的时期。The foliage was in its utmost luxuriance.

他讨厌这样肥沃的地方。The very luxuriance of the country displeased him.

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至今,古茶树林依然葱郁茂密,生机昂然。Up to the present, the ancient tea plants are still luxuriance.

该国展示动植物之丰富,令人难以置信。That country manifests an unbelievable luxuriance of flora and fauna.

这个游戏最好的体现了摩托车运动的动感和丰富。So the game best displays the motion and luxuriance of motor sport thoroughly.

温带的居民无法设想苍郁茂密的热带植被。注意,注意力集中。The dwellers in temperate zones can have no idea of the luxuriance of tropical vegetation.

这一个现象给我的欣喜,更甚于一个丰饶多产的葡萄园。This phenomenon is more exhilarating to me than the luxuriance and fertility of vineyards.

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热带气候的丰盛湿气,在丰富盛宴式植物景观中可以得到明显见证。The copious moisture of a tropical climate was apparent in the rich luxuriance of the vegetation.

手工串珠艺术不仅是华丽多变的生活表现,更是个人生活品位的传达。A string of beads not only a luxuriance and levity represent, but also represent individual lifestyle.

如果说村子当初一度很漂亮的话,那么现在则充分展示了它的风采与繁盛。If the village had been beautiful at first it was now in the full glow and luxuriance of its richness.

另一个方面来看,欲望导致各类的过度、浪费、豪奢,与权力滥用。On the other hand, desire leads to all kinds of excess, extravagance, luxuriance , and abuse of power.

也正是她丰满的面容和成熟的身体,使得她看起来比她的实际年龄显得更像一个成年妇人。It was a luxuriance of aspect, a fullness of growth, which made her appear more of a woman that she really was.

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织物既有棉、麻的凉爽,又有绢的高档华丽感,是理想的夏季服用面料。It blends the advantage together with the coolness of cotton and flax and luxuriance of silk which is the perfect dress fabric in summer.

福克纳的小说文本以繁复著称,但繁复只是他的语言风格的主要一面,并不能概括其风格的全貌。Faulkner's literary texts are well-known for their luxuriance and elaborateness, which, however, is the main rather than the whole picture.

地域文化是一种传统,它要比单靠自然环境或改造环境来得更好、更经济。Luxuriance of growth, and the local cultural traditions existing environmental compatibility with the local natural environment. Luxuriance of growth. Things.

在没有受到人类砍伐的奥林匹克国家公园的繁茂雨林中,被风吹倒的树为小树提供了养分,而苔藓和蕨类则依靠此处特有的空气生长。Where no ax has been raised in the luxuriance of the Olympic rain forest, wind-toppled trees provide nourishment for saplings, while moss and ferns feed on the very air.

繁复是福克纳小说的主要文体特点之一。本文论述了繁复的表现形式、审美效果及其产生的原因与背景。Luxuriance is one of chief stylistic features of Faulkner's novels. This paper specializes in the analyses of its forms, aesthetic effects as well as its originating background.

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我就高兴。在我的小院子里,一到夏天满是花草,小猫只好上房去玩,地上没有它们的运动场。In summer, flowers and plants growing in luxuriance in my small courtyard will leave little open space as a playground for the small cats, so they have to sport about in our rooms instead.

拜占庭奢华的艺术形式,他的用色生动,并有丰富的象征性,使他成为了克里姆特最受欢迎的艺术家之一。The Byzantine luxuriance of form, the vivid juxtaposition of colours and the rich symbolism, sensuality and eroticism of his work have made Klimt one of the most popular artists in the world.