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“我不知道。”她说。可是却皱起了眉头。"I don't know, " Auris said. But she frowned.

“恩”,奥瑞丝说,“安静,我正在听呢”"Yes, " Auris said. "Hush now. I'm listening. "

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“是的,”奥瑞丝说,“Kugus叔叔回来了。”"Yes, " Auris said. "Uncle Kugus has come back.

欧益公司是一家法国汽车配件贸易型公司,注册在香港。Auris Industries Ltd. is a French-owned company, registered in Hongkong.

寻找简化中耳移植材料的保存方法。Objective To simplify the preservative method of auris media transplanting materials.

液位计超过4米,需增加法兰或耳攀加固。Nominal length exceed 4m, shall add with flange or links of auris figure for reinforcement.

奥瑞丝走到龟壳的前面坐下来,晃著腿,里夫也过去坐下。Auris walked down to the front lip of the shell and sat on it, dangling her legs. llf joined her there.

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如果奥瑞丝想知道什么地方一些人在谈论些什么的时候就会把欺骗兽派去那儿听。When Auris wanted to know what people somewhere were talking about, she sent the humbugs off to listen.

“噢,很多事情。”奥瑞丝又皱眉了。“咱们过去弄明白,不过不要让他们发现”"Oh, a lot of things. " Auris frowned again. "We'll go and find out, but we won't let them see us right away. "

“他们昨天接了个限时订单,”奥瑞丝说,“今天早上又接了一个。在完成这两个订单前他们不再接其它订单了”"They did get in a limit order yesterday, " Auris said. "And another one this morning. They're not taking any more orders until they've filled those two. "

目的明确圆窗区及其相关结构在耳的横断薄层和在CT上的定位及毗邻关系,为该区域病变的影像诊断和手术治疗提供解剖学参考。Objective To locate round window area and its related structure on auris transection and CT for anatomical evidence of image diagnosis and clinical operation.

用二甲苯诱导小鼠耳廓肿胀和角叉菜胶诱导大鼠足肿胀实验模型观察抗炎作用。Dimethyl benzene-induced auris swelling model in mice and carrageen-induced feet swelling model in rats were established to observe the anti-inflammatory effects.

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而且Auris车型的汽柴版本在美国以外的其它地区有售,这是一款基于Corolla花冠平台的四门三厢式轿车。But Toyota sells the Auris just about everywhere else in the world, in both gasoline and diesel versions. It's a four-door hatchback based on the Corolla platform.

在九月末,公司在英国的营运部停止了夜班生产,随后增加其年度圣诞加外三天假期。At the end of September, the company's UK operations suspended their night-shift production of the Auris , and subsequently extended their annual Christmas shutdown by an additional three days.