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该机适用于料度分布较广的松散性粉状和料状的干燥。This model is used for the drying of incompact powder and granules.

描述流动的移民社会与松散的宗族组织。The author tries to describe the ambulatory immigrant society and incompact lineage organization.

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实验得到了松散性好,高湿度下能较好抗结块的氯化钠结晶体。Experiments got incompact sodium chloride crystals that anti-caking better at high humidity level.

强烈底鼓是破碎软岩巷道支护的一个重大难题。Severe floor heave is one of the most important problems in incompact and fractured soft-rock roadway.

在松散的滑坡堆积碎石土和中强风化岩地基上进行加密灌浆,取得了明显的加固效果。This paper introduced the grouting effects of the foundation reinforce on the incompact soil with gravels and the weathered rock.

含深海矿物成分及维他命原B5,令肌肤用后感觉清爽湿润不紧绷。Contain deep-sea and mineral composition and provitamin B5, the feeling after your skin is used is relaxed and humid incompact stretch tight.

以蓄满产流理论为基础,建立了一个网格型松散结构的分布式流域水文模型。A grid distributed hydrological model with incompact structure is built on the basis of the theory of runoff formation on repletion of storage.

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盖茨不紧不慢地给自己倒了一杯热气腾腾的咖啡,动作比平时慢了一拍,因为他失业了。Gates is incompact poured a cup of reeky coffee slow to oneself, behavioral comparing is patted slow at ordinary times, because he is unemployed.

简述了热线法快速测量固体微粒导热系数的原理,设计制作了实验系统。The principle and method of a hot-wire method for determination of thermal conductivity of several incompact biomass were discussed in this paper.

结果体外培养8周时,所有标本均形成了软骨样组织,但质地较软,组织结构相对较为松散。Results All the specimens formed cartilage-like tissue after 8 weeks' in vitro culture, except for a weak intension and incompact tissue structure.

如果走路时不紧缩小腹,不管你走多少路,也无法刺激你的腹部肌肉,你的小腹就不会缩小。If walk when incompact and contractible abdomen, no matter you walk along how many, also cannot stimulate your abdominal muscle, your alvine won't narrow.

铸铁件含碳量高,结构疏松、表面有大量砂眼等缺陷,增加了电镀的难度。High carbon content of iron castings and defects of incompact structure and a great deal of sand holes on the surface of iron castings make it difficult for electroplating.

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据专家介绍,一个关不紧的水龙头每月能流掉1至6立方水,一个漏水的马桶每月要流掉3至25立方的水。According to expert introduction, one closes incompact faucet every months can run off 1 comes 6 cubic water, a slack closestool wants run off every months 3 to 25 cubic water.

磁力研磨加工是利用辅助磁场对自由松散的磁性磨料的超距作用,导入磁场和电场来实现工件表面精密研磨的加工方法。It is a finishing method which utilizing the action at a distance between magnetic pole and incompact magnetic abrasive to finish work piece by introducing the magnetic and electric fields.

从大连红黏土被第四系松散层所覆盖的现象出发,分析了大连地区沿海岸附近冰碛残丘的特征与形成过程。The characteristic and the formation process of moraine hill in the Dalian area along the coast are analyzed from the phenomenon of the Quaternary incompact layer covering the Dalian red clay.

但土体是固、液、气三相组成的松散体系,土体结构是由许多个层次组成的复杂系统,它与弹性连续介质相差甚远。In fact, since soil is a solid-liquid-gas three-phase incompact system and the structure of soil is a complex system formed by several levels, it is greatly different from elastic continuous medium.

针对原有给水度实验仪不能直观反映地下水水位埋深及其降深对给水度影响的缺点,设计了能采用柱体法测定松散土体试样的给水度的实验仪。As the old specific water yield apparatus can not put up visually the influence of water level and its decrease depth on the specific water yield of incompact soil sample, a new apparatus is designed.

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多年冻土地区路面水泥稳定砂砾基层应用中,普遍存在基层上下松散、中部板结的“夹层”现象。The interlayers that characterized as harden in middle and incompact in top and below widely occurred in the cement-stabilized-gravel when contrustruing the base course of pavement in permafrost area.