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确诊后全部病例均作双侧睾丸切除术。After ICPG wasdiagnosed, all cases were operated by bilateral orchiectomy.

睾丸切除术,用来治疗前列腺癌的生长及扩散已经有很多年了。Orchiectomy has been used for years to slow or stop the growth and spread of prostate cancer.

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应该建议睾丸切除手术后的患者进行这种睾丸假体移植。Patients undergoing orchiectomy should be offered the option to receive a testicular prosthesis implantation.

结论对偶发前列腺癌去势术可提高生存率。Conclusions Bilateral orchiectomy for incidental prostatic carcinoma might improve the patients survival rate.

阿姆斯特朗接受了脑部手术,切除脑部坏死部分,并切除了病变的一个睾丸。Armstrong had surgery on his brain tumors, which were necrotic, and an orchiectomy to remove his diseased testicle.

术前正确的超音波和磁振造影诊断,可以提供外科医师以肿瘤摘除术取代睪丸切除术。In our case, preoperative imaging findings provided information to the surgeons to attempt testis-sparing surgery instead of orchiectomy.

在睾丸切除术后如CT等影像学诊断阴性,可不必行后腹膜淋巴结清扫术。Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection after radical inguinal orchiectomy is unnecessary in patients without CT evidence of nodal involvement.

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在经过两次广范围切除手术后,又发现有局部复发情形。因此乃施行根治性睪丸切除手术并切除部分右阴囊组织。Local recurrences were noted after previous wide excisions, and then radical orchiectomy and excision of part of the scrotal wall were performed.

早期手术是惟一的治疗办法,根据睾丸情况选择行睾丸复位固定或睾丸切除。Early surgical correction is the only therapy and it can be undergone orchiectomy or orchiopexy according to the conditions of the ectopic testes.

方法对28例偶发前列腺癌病例进行临床总结,病理诊断后28例均施行了去势手术。Methods 28 cases of incidental adenocarcinoma of prostate were retrospectively reviewed . Bilateral orchiectomy were performed in all of them after pathological examination.

结果57例行双侧睾丸切除并口服抗雄激素药物,1例药物去势,1例服已烯雌酚,2例放射治疗。Results 57 patients given bilateral orchiectomy combined with antiandrogen drug flutamide, 1treated with drug castration, 1 treated with stilbestrol and 2 radiotherapy was given.

由于肾上腺遗迹是个良性的疾病同时对于类固醇的治疗有相当不错的反应,所以我们应该避免这类的病人接受不必要的睪丸切片甚至是睪丸切除。Due to the benign nature of testicular adrenal rests and effective response to steroid replacement therapy, unnecessary testicular biopsy and orchiectomy should be avoided in these patients.

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而两个睪丸因为严重萎缩及病人年纪较大,所以施行经腹腔镜睪丸切除术。Simple orchiopexy was performed in four of them, and laparoscopic orchiectomy was do, ie smoothly in the other two due to severely hypo plastic changes of the testes and the ages of the patients.