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作为知名的宇宙学家,霍金向来对玄学避而远之并且坚定地站在物理学的阵营中。Being the cosmologist that he is, Hawking avoids the metaphysical and stays resolutely in the physical.

“这是一项有趣的发现,”加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的宇宙学家皮埃罗·马导说。"This is an intriguing result, " says cosmologist Piero Madau of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

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赫拉瓦引力论也能制造“暗物质假象”,——这是东京大学宇宙学家真嗣向山的观点。Ho?ava gravity may also create the "illusion of dark matter, " says cosmologist Shinji Mukohyama of Tokyo University.

当代的宇宙学家卡伦·L·马斯特斯也发现立方体世界的话题很是迷人,特别是如果有大气存在的情况下更是如此。Contemporary cosmologist Karen L.Masters also finds the topic of cube worlds fascinating -- especially the atmospheric possibilities.

当代的宇宙学家卡伦·L·马斯特斯也发现立方体世界的话题很是迷人,特别是如果有大气存在的情况下更是如此。Contemporary cosmologist Karen L. Masters also finds the topic of cube worlds fascinating -- especially the atmospheric possibilities.

尽管我无法行走,只能通过电脑沟通,但我的内心是自由的。Physicist, cosmologist and something of a dreamer. Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free.

一种可以在极端环境中生存的细菌的发现为英国宇宙学教授保罗·戴维斯所倡导的一种新理论提供了有力证据。The discovery of a bacteria that can exist in extreme environments adds weight to a new theory championed by the British cosmologist Professor Paul Davies.

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芝加哥大学的宇宙学家胡安科勒认为他的研究小组可能已经通过他们在明尼苏达州的苏丹的一个废弃矿井里的探测器,定位到了暗物质信号。University of Chicago cosmologist Juan Collar believes his group may have spotted a dark matter signal in their detector inside an abandoned mine in Soudan Minnesota.

为此,普林斯顿的宇宙学家理查德·戈特表示,我们需要一种负能量,即一种低于零的能量状态,去打开并维持时空之门。That would require what's known as negative energy—an energetic state less than zero—to create the portal and keep it open, says Princeton cosmologist J. Richard Gott.

同年九月,周界所成立了新的分支机构并将其命名为斯蒂芬·霍金中心,然而霍金本人没能亲自到场,通过视频表达了祝贺。In September, the institute expanded with a new wing called the Stephen Hawking Centre but the cosmologist was unable to attend in person and sent his regards by video.

和我一样是一名天体物理、天体生物学工作者,对如何将癌症融入地球生命故事很有兴趣。Charles Lineweaver of the Australian National University is, like me, a cosmologist and astrobiologist with a fascination for how cancer fits into the story of life on Earth.

周六晚这位理论物理学家和宇宙学家,借助3D全息投影,从他实际所在的英国剑桥大学为悉尼歌剧院的人们做了一场演讲。Thee theoretical physicist and cosmologist spoke at the Sydney Opera House on Saturday night via 3D hologram projection from his actual location at Cambridge University in the U.

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周六晚这位理论物理学家和宇宙学家,借助3D全息投影,从他实际所在的英国剑桥大学为悉尼歌剧院的人们做了一场演讲。The theoretical physicist and cosmologist spoke at the Sydney Opera House on Saturday night via 3D hologram projection from his actual location at Cambridge University in the U. K.

霍金博士上个月应一个朋友,宇宙学家劳伦斯克劳斯的邀请,来到这里参加亚利桑那州立大学起源项目赞助的一个科学节。Dr. Hawking came here last month at the invitation of a friend, the cosmologist Lawrence Krauss , for a science festival sponsored by the Origins Project of Arizona State University.

“这是一门全新的科学,”迈克尔.特纳——芝加哥大学的一名宇宙学家,上周在太空望远镜科学研究所举办的座无虚席的暗能量十年专题研讨会上如是说。"This is game-changing science," Michael Turner, a cosmologist at the University of Chicago, told a packed auditorium during the Decade of Dark Energy Symposium held last week at STScI.

“这是一门全新的科学,”迈克尔.特纳——芝加哥大学的一名宇宙学家,上周在太空望远镜科学研究所举办的座无虚席的暗能量十年专题研讨会上如是说。"This is game-changing science, " Michael Turner, a cosmologist at the University of Chicago, told a packed auditorium during the Decade of Dark Energy Symposium held last week at STScI.

俄罗斯核研究所的宇宙学家维亚切斯拉夫•多库恰耶夫近日发表言论,称虽然黑洞有超强破坏力,但也将成为人类未来最适宜居住的地方。Despite being considered the most destructive force in space and absolutely uninhabitable, the conditions for life exist inside supermassive black holes, a Russian cosmologist has theorised.

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我想到自己可能有个热门题材可写,还可能揭露当时天文学模型里某个重大的错误,于是跑去请教美国加州理工学院的天文学家索恩。Thinking that I might have a hot story to write about that would reveal something deeply wrong with current cosmological models, I first queried California Institute of Technology cosmologist Kip S.

安德里亚斯·阿尔布雷特是加州大学戴维斯分校的一名宇宙学家,没有参加这项研究的他对超异物质是否足够精确地代表早期宇宙表示怀疑。Andreas Albrecht, a cosmologist at the University of California, Davis, who was not involved in the study, is doubtful that the metamaterial is an accurate enough representation of the early universe.