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他们在聊天。They're having a chat.

打漂亮的一仗。They're having a fight.

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他们在娱乐Here they're having fun.

你觉得我们要个宝宝怎么样?How about having a baby?

俭省是致富之本。From saving comes having.

他在做着噩梦。He is having a nightmare.

我们在进行野炊。We are having our picnic.

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我喜欢饲养动物。I like having the animals.

我近来耳朵有点痛。I've been having earaches.

今天吃咖喱饭。Today, we're having curry.

我听不太清。I'm having trouble hearing.

我的车有问题了。My taxi is having problems.

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今天我们吃咖喱饭。Today , We're having carry.

我现在只喝了一杯,蠢人!I'm having one glass, moron.

该休息一会儿了。It's time for having a rest.

这班的同学在运动。The class are having sports.

我试过喝能量饮品。I tried having energy drinks.

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我今天走了霉运了。I’m having rotten luck today.

那一些猫正在吃明菘菜。The cats are having cabbages.

我们今天开辩论会。We are having a debate today.