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难道这是办不到的吗?Could it be said that it is impossible of attainment?

那是她孜孜以求的正果。It was her diligently strive after the attainment of.

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在人生中还有像成就一样如此令人着魔的东西吗?Is there anything in life so disenchanting as attainment?

没有智,没有得,也没有无得。There is no cognition, no attainment and no non-attainment.

我们敬贺他高寿。We congratulated him upon his attainment to so great an age.

达到这种状态就完成了由内向外的转变。The attainment of this state completes the inside-out transition.

蒋雪英的艺术生涯和艺术成就及贡献对现今人士颇有启迪。In all, her legendary career and attainment give us the edification.

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第二方面是仅仅有天赋的人才可达到的成功。requisite for the attainment of such exceptional success as has been

怎样把“甘露”浇到他们的心田?下面我的一些心得体会。How " anna"pouring to theirs heart? Below my some attainment experience.

但是,这种成就是靠引进外资、引进技术的方式取得的。But, this attainment was relied on importing foreign capital and technology.

它不能被去除或破坏,正好获得佛境界的觉悟。It cannot be cut off or destroyed, right up to the attainment of Buddhahood.

在近期移民群体,教育素养非常低。Levels of educational attainment are quite low among recentimmigrant groups.

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成就幸福即成为Aristotle的终极或最高大善。The attainment of happiness became the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle.

这三毒烦恼是明心见性最严重的障碍。The Three Poisons are the biggest obstacles to our attainment of enlightenment.

克劳福特和王认为,学习成绩的倒退可以归结为两个因素。Crawford and Wang believe the slump in attainment can be put down to two factors.

这便给于人类无限的机会去获取知识和能力。This gives him illimitable opportunity for the attainment of knowledge and power.

他的作品元气淋漓、恣肆纵逸,功力很深而又脱尽窠臼。His works, vigorous and unrestricted, reveal his profound attainment and ingenuity.

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在他的杂记,理想是实现不间断地与上帝。In his Miscellanies, the ideal was the attainment of uninterrupted communion with God.

学力的概念是指自我教育力或自我学习力。The meaning of academic attainment is the capacity for self-education or self-learning.

有些人总是追求一些力不能及的目标。Some people always take great trouble to achieve some goals which are beyond attainment.